This week in Year 4
It's been another exciting week in Year 4, packed with engaging activities and learning across all subjects! Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to:
We’re nearing the end of our gripping tale of Beowulf, and the children have thoroughly enjoyed the action-packed and gruesome adventures of this legendary hero. They’ve loved exploring the old English language and the vivid descriptions of battles and monsters. It's been a great way to introduce them to a classic story!
In writing, the children have been busy preparing for their own newspaper reports. They've been conducting interviews and gathering quotes, which will help them create informative and engaging articles. It's a wonderful opportunity for them to develop their writing skills while exploring journalistic techniques.
In maths, we’ve been exploring lines of symmetry in different shapes and practicing drawing symmetric figures. The children have enjoyed this hands-on learning, using mirrors and drawing tools to create balanced and symmetrical designs. It's a fun way to see maths in action!
We look forward to another week of learning and growing together. As always, thank you for your continued support!
Home Learning this week:
MyMaths- 'task on MyMaths
Reading- Please ensure you are reading and recording this in your reading record
TTRockstars- How many points can you earn this week? Top 3 scores in every class will win dojos!
Alliance: Alexandra for consistently showing adults you are ready to learn, showing enthusiasm towards your learning and always helping others in whatever way you can!
Mayflower: Emily for consistently working hard and bringing a positive attitude to everything she does.
Endeavour: DQ for writing an amazing diary entry, including fronted adverbials of time and high level vocabulary.
Eagle: Kelvin for making a huge effort in your writing this term. Your handwriting is looking beautiful and you are applying lots of skills like expanded noun-phrases and conjunctions. I am so impressed with your work!