Headteachers Message
What a wet and miserable week it has been weather-wise! Despite this, the atmosphere inside the school has been fantastic, with so much enthusiasm and wonderful learning taking place across all year groups.
As you are aware, we relaunched our new Relationships and Behaviour Policy in September, and I am delighted to share that the impact has been incredibly positive. One key aspect of this is our Community Circles, which take place on Mondays and Fridays in every class. This term, teachers are working hard to relaunch these sessions to ensure they are productive and supportive. These circles are designed to create a strong sense of belonging among all members of our school community.
Another part of this initiative is the Zones of Regulation, which continue to be used effectively across the school. These tools help children identify and manage their emotions, and we encourage you to talk about them with your children at home to support their learning and emotional development.
This week, our House Captains met to discuss ideas for this term's winning house team community reward. Final votes will be collected early next week, and we can’t wait to see what the children decide!
We are also busy planning our Sports Days, so please keep an eye out for further information on this exciting event.
Thank you to everyone who has attended our Library Open Afternoon Sessions on Wednesdays. It has been wonderful to see so many families making use of this fantastic resource. A big thank you to Mrs. Cudlip for all her hard work in organising these sessions.
Our site team has been hard at work in the quad area, preparing it for new and exciting projects. We aim to expand our use of green spaces to grow fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the school council will soon be launching a competition for designs to develop the areas surrounding our memorial garden and current allotment. Keep an eye out for details on how your child can get involved!
We have also been working to increase the number of lunchtime clubs on offer, thanks to our wonderful staff who have volunteered their time to run them. More information about these clubs will be available on our website soon.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on our communication letter. It is great to continue working closely with you to improve and enhance our school community. If you haven’t had the chance to read the letter sent out earlier this week, I strongly encourage you to do so, as it contains some important information. We will announce the date for our next Parent Forum shortly, and we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support.
Have a wonderful weekend making memories.
Mrs Wilden
Name: Sara Madi
Class: Dolphins
always works hard, shows a great attitude to her learning and is always kind to others.
Well done!
Reading News
As part of our commitment to engage children in reading, we are very lucky to not only join in with the Year 1 book awards but also the Year 5 one! Each time the children visit the library they will be welcomed to take part in listening to extracts each week from the following books:
Flame Chasers
During the voting weeks each child will vote for their favourite book and the city wide votes will be counted. Be sure to keep an eye out in the library for our book display. Who will win?
Every Wednesday - after school family library session. We look forward to seeing you there.
What's on next week...
Date Event Time Location`
Monday 27th January Stubbington Meeting Yr2 4.00-500pm Seals Class room
Monday 27th -Friday 31st January Tuck shop all week 3.10 - 3.30pm Outside Studio
Tuesday 28th January Rocksteady 8.30am - 11.00 am Studio
Tuesday 28th January Service club 3.00-400pm School
Other dates to remember
Half term - 17th - 21st February
Easter Holiday - 7th - 21st April
Leapfrog Breakfast and Afterschool Club
Please ensure that all bookings for Leapfrog AM or PM are booked in correctly to ensure that our registers are correct each day.
If your child is not on the register this will result in a phone call home or being unable to attend due to capacity.