Vision and Mission
As a community of faith, we are committed to the new vision and mission for our future. It is our desire to leverage our community involvement; to bring hope to challenged and hurting people.
We define Vision as that picture of what we believe Kildonan Community Church will look like in years from now. The Mission defines how we believe we are called to realize God's Vision for KCC. We are in the midst of realizing that picture. One thing is for sure; we believe that we must be in line with God's vision and mission which is summed up in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We believe that every church must be aligned with these before they look to God's guidance in determining where the local church's specific call is within God's V&M.
Our Vision for the future of our church is:
We see the church being a collection of different worship communities
Our Mission:
Engaging our neighbours; Meeting the living Jesus; One person at a time
We articulate our Vision and Mission here...