Previous Messages are found here.
22 November, 2020 Crazy Love - Emotional Rescue... here
This crazy world is stressing everyone out. We wonder where God is in all of this. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that in believing in God, we avoid pain and suffering. But He did promise us to get us through the messyness of life.
15 November, 2020 Crazy Love - Welcome Back... here
When you feel like people must be crazy to love a person like you, well, Then Jesus is crazy in love with you. Let him touch you and restore back to life. Welcome back.
08 November, 2020 Crazy Love - "Demons"... here
"Demons", "bad karma", "universe is out to get me" - often we look to blame something else for the imperfections within humanity. In the Christian Community, we bellieve that Jesus defeated the Devil with the Resurraction. So, if Jesus is for us (or with us), who can be against us?
01 November, 2020 Living Forgiven... here
If you hold grudges; still feel ashamed; guilt follows you around, maybe you're not living the way God intended. Living Forgiven embraces the Love of God in Jesus and allows us a way forward in life. It's always about... what do you do next.
25 October, 2020 Forgiving Others... here
Forgiving others in not something that is easily done. In fact, Forgiveness is not a "light switch" activity rather it is a process. It is hard; it takes time.
18 October, 2020 The Human Condition... here
All of Humanity shares common attributes from our Creator. We are all equal from that perspective. Maybe that is the point; we are all in this together as God's creation.
11 October, 2020 The Heart of ThanksGiving... here
If we only give thanks for what we have as possessions and desires, how can people who have nothing be thankful? There has to be more to this ThanksGiving than matterialism.
30 August, 2020 An issue of the Heart... here
Loving God is an issue of the heart. God gave us His heart in thee person of Jesus. Are you willing to do the same?
23 August, 2020 What Happened?.... here
If you have trouble believing in the resurrection, you are in good company: neither did the Disciples. But Jesus was there to convince them. But how do we talk about it today?
16 August, 2020 If you Love Me... here
What would it take for you to believe Jesus is God in flesh? Even if you are challenged with this thought, Jesus has something to say to us. Once you meet Jesus, you can't but help Love Jesus.
09 August 2020 The Coming of Light... here
Jesus said, "My words will be the judge." What did he mean by that? His words, his teachings, his wisdom are meant for us to live a full life - a journey if you will. So, Jesus, be our guide in the journey of life.
26, July 2020 Faith vs. Fear
Kevin gives an update on KCC's summer programming and a meditation video on overcoming fear with God's strength.
19 July, 2020 to Believe In... here
What does it take for people to believe in Jesus as "God with us?" Jesus found it a challenge among his own friends; we shouldn't be surprised if we find the same with our own family and friends. Welcome to reality.
12 July, 2020 What's in a Name? Everything!... here
Sometimes, what you want is not what you are getting; what you are getting is not what you expected - it's a lot more. It's all about Jesus, pure and simple.
05 July, 2020 Who is really Blind... here
You can be physically blind yet see more than those with eyesight. You can have great, healthy eyes and yet be blind to the reality around you. So who is really blind here?
28 June, 2020 - Who is the REAL Judge... here
21 June, 2020 - Bread from Heavn Continued... here
Jesus changes the "Bread from Heaven" dialogue to a full blown meal. It's a hard lesson to hear for most people of Jesus time; mis-understood; but necessary.
14 June, 2020 - Bread from Heaven... here
Have you ever asked yourself why Jesus kept telling people NOT to talk about the healings and miracles? He knew people would come to him for the wrong reasons.
07 June, 2020 - Thy Word... here
The religious leaders had a real problem with Jesus. They believed that Jesus was always breaking "the Laws of Moses." Jesus was more worried about people knowing Who He was and why He came, than rules and rituals that got in the way of Relationships.
31 May, 2020 - The Spirit Moves... here
The Spirit moves to create relationships, not a house full of stuff. The Spirit moves in ways we don't get. Jesus moves in ways we don't understand. Relationship are what matters; with God, Jesus and with help from the Holy Spirit
24 May, 2020 - Return to Me... here
Throughout human history, God's plan is that all of His creation will "Return to Him."
17 May, 2020 - Well Water Here
Science is great for physical well being. Jesus is the Well in our Spiritual Well being.
10 May, 2020 - Bridge over Troubled Waters Here
Science can provide vaccines; Jesus is our bridge for our Spiritual well being.
03 May, 2020 - Who is Jesus Here
Who do we say Jesus is? If it's not about relationships, we missed something.
26 April, 2020 - The Everywhere Church here
The Church is not about Bricks and Mortar; Gatherings can happen anywhere.
19 April, 2020 - The Bull's of Christian Faith Here
The Centrality of Christian Faith is the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.
12 April, 2020 Easter - They Did not Believe Here
No-one was waiting outside the Tomb that third day...
05 April, 2020 Loneliness Here
Jesus went out of his way to connect with those who no-one else wanted to connect with.
29 March, 2020 Temple Down Fall Here
Falling in love with builds is NOT central to Christian Faith. Jesus is.