Term 2 Week 9

Kia ora Base 3 whānau and caregivers,

First of all, we want to thank all of you for an amazing Term 2. We have loved hearing all about how your child is being supported at home during our Mahi Tahi conversations. We have had such a busy term with lots of learning and fun. 

Next week is the last week of Term 2 and we have a special day happening on Friday the 30th of June. On this day your child will have the opportunity to dress up as a character from a movie, book, or TV show for our school's first-ever Literacy Dress Up Day

During this term, we have been learning all about the world around us through our UC4L projects. Part of this learning has been about understanding the importance of taking care of the environment and being responsible for putting rubbish in the bin. To support this concept we have said 'no' to bringing lollies in lunchboxes and for birthdays. This is something we already practice in Base 3 and we celebrate birthdays in other ways.  

Our Botanic Gardens Trip: On Wednesday 7th June, we went to the Gardens. We all had a great time and saw a lot of different plants. Some of the students even tasted some herbs from the Edible Garden. We went over many bridges and saw ducklings and eels in the pond. 
Thank you to all those parents and family members who gave up their time and helped us out on the day. We are so grateful for your support. 

Rock Garden
While we were at the Botanic Gardens, we saw some painted rocks around the place. This inspired us to paint some rocks of our own. We all drew our rock plans and then painted different designs on the rocks. Here are some examples of our rocks.

Playdough Models

We also used Google Maps to make a plan of an area of the Botanic Gardens. We made playdough in groups and then used our plan to make a model. Here is our playdough recipe if you would like to make playdough at home:


1 cup of flour

¼ cup of salt

1 tablespoon of cooking oil

1 tablespoon cream of tartar

1 cup warm water

½ teaspoon of food colouring



On Friday, we hosted Hui. It was great fun and they made the base kaiako so proud. We sang "We are Aotearoa" and shared some of our learning that's shown in this newsletter.

Thank you to all those parents who supported by attending this morning - it was great to see how proud the tamariki were to show off what they had been practicing.

Showing TREC in Base 3

In Base 3 we are always finding ways to show our understanding of our school values - TREC. We enjoy working with others and showing our Thinking, Respect, Empathy and Courage everyday. Here are some learning shots of us demonstrating TREC.

Fun Run/Cross Country

On Wednesday 14th June in week 8 our year 4's participated in cross country at Bruce Pulman park. The students had a wonderful time and did a great job. On Tuesday 20th of June in Week 9 the year 3's participated in the Fun run. They had a great time going through the obstacles and completing the course. Well done to everyone in Base 3 for all your hard running in the event you were involved in this term. Here are some photos of the students doing the Fun Run.