Term 1 Week 1

Kia ora Base 3 whānau,

Welcome to the new school year - We hope you and your whānau are keeping warm and safe. We have certainly started off with a bang but are so excited to have your tamariki back with us on the 7th of February.  

Base 3 looks a little different this year, we have 4 kaiako working in this learning space - click here to learn a bit more about them. Because of high roll numbers a few Year 4 and 5 students are with Ms. Bruns this year in the old tech space. 

All About Me:

If you're looking for a fun activity for you and your whānau to do to start the year off, you could work together to create an 'All About Me' poster/slide. This can include your child's favourite food, where they are from, what they are excited for or any other fun information they may like to include and possibly share when we return on the 7th.

This is not required to be completed - just a fun suggestion.


For a smooth transition into the year, please make sure you have ordered your child's stationery from this link.
You are ordering from 'Base 3.' If you are in Base AB please select 'Base AB'.

You will need to label the books with your child's name and send the pack to school to be sorted for learning.

Tamariki also have a choice if they would like a pencil case to store their materials in.
These stationery items will be kept in a tote tray that they share with one other student.