Arrival - the day your family arrives

  • Meet them at the airport and take a van (more if the family is large). The resettlement agency will take a separate van.

  • There have been groups of volunteers cooking 2 weeks of worth of food for storage in the refrigerator/freezer to give them "settle in time."

  • The family will be exhausted from the international travel and will likely just want to sleep.

  • Arrange any orientation upon arrival to be as brief as possible. Give them a brief tour of the apartment / house, how to use lights, bathroom, etc. Then say good night and when you will contact them next.

  • They probably will not want pictures taken of them.

  • They probably do not want large crowds waiting at their apartment. Inviting friends to greet them at the apartment may be problematic if they just want to sleep right away. They may feel obligated to entertain.