Online Learning for Week 6

Kia ora Whanau, Welcome back to school!!

This will be our online learning page. This page has all the information and activities needed students to learn at school - or from home. If you need support or have any questions feel free to contact me at email:

Mrs Broadwith will be setting up and leading learning on Mon - Wed, while Mrs Hall will be leading learning on Thurs - Fri. We will check our emails twice throughout the day - morning tea time and at lunch - should you need any help.

W6 T2 Online Timetable

Wednesday 20th May 2020


We are learning to: read to find out information about our sun and take notes about it


Think about this topic: What did you learn about the sun yesterday? What do you already know?

Read more facts about the sun here


A Fact File: About the sun. Use diagrams and pictures to support your ideas.

Maths - Strategy

We are learning to: learn and practice maths strategies to solve multiplication problems

Click on the link and watch Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.the video. Practice using the word problems.

Early Stage 5 - End of Year 3

WALT solving simple x problems by using repeated addition

Stage 5 - End of Year 4

WALT learning 2 x tables , 10 x tables and 5 x tables

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.

This week's Science Experiment

Measuring the movement of the earth shadow

We are learning to notice how our shadow changes to show the earth's movement

In this experiment, you'll learn that the earth revolves to form the day and night. When the earth faces the sun it is daytime. We can record the movement of the earth by drawing around our shadow at different times of the day.


Read about how to Use your shadow to learn more about the sun.


At 9am in the morning choose a spot on the concrete outside your house. Ask someone to help you outline your shadow. Repeat the experiment at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm.

Where is the sun each time? What do you notice about how the sun is moving?

What do you notice about how your shadow is changing? Can you predict where your shadow will be next time? Take photos and notes as you go. Use this science experiment template to write up your experiment and to describe what you see happening along the way.


Photos and writing about your experiment on your blog. Can you describe what happened? Can you explain why it happened? Try to add lots of description to help other people understand what's going on.

Want more ? Go and explore more science experiments for kids

Kiwi Can Week 6

Tuesday 19th May 2020


We are learning to: read to find out information about why we have day and night

Think about this topic: What do you already know? Write down 4 or 5 ideas about what you know before you start learning about it.

Learn more about this topic: Read the texts below about day and night. You can also look and find out more about day and night.

BBC Bitesize Day and Night or Cool Facts About a Hot Place


WALT: Write using scientific vocab to explain why we have night and day.

1. Plan your writing - think about the things you'd like to include in your explanation - jot down some notes or pictures on some flash cards to remind you later.

2. Organise your ideas - What order will you write in? How will you start your writing? Don't forget to use paragraphs to separate out your ideas.

3. Write your explanation - keep stopping and rereading regularly to check it makes sense.

4. Draw a diagram - to show how night and day works. Include the sun, the earth and the moon.

Label your diagram.

Monday 18th May 2020


We are learning to: write legibly



Choose 10 spelling words from one of the Essential Spelling lists

Write down your spelling words in your spelling notebook

Practice your words by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it


make a word search for your spelling words to help you learn them solve the word search


post your completed word search on your blog or send a picture in an email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


WALT: Read independently and follow a task correctly


Choose a story from home

Choose any story that you enjoy reading.


Complete 3 or 4 of the reading response activities and make sure you use colour to make it look creative.


post your completed work on your blog with a brief write up of what you did and the book you read or send a picture in an email to Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Math Basic Facts

We are learning to: recall basic maths facts quickly to make harder maths easier


  • Choose a new set of maths facts to practice and learn from one of the math's stages on Maths Prototec
  • Write out these basic facts in your homework notebook


  • make a set of flash cards that help you to remember the facts. Put the equation on one side and the answer on the other. Include pictures and colours to help reinforce the learning.


  • Practice your facts by testing yourself using the flash cards. Take a photo and post it on your blog or email it to

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page. You can also practise your basic facts on XtraMath please let me know if you cannot remember you password for this XtraMath

Lockdown Window Artwork

We are learning to: create a visual representation of our lockdown experiences


  • Think about your experience of lockdown 2020. What things did you do during the time you were at home? What was important to you? What signs and symbols might show these things?


  • You will need paper, scissors and colouring pens/pencils.
  • Fold a piece of A3 paper in half and then open it again. Fold so the two wings so they form a window. Cut out holes to show 4 windows.
  • On the inside draw a variety of images that show what you have been up to during lockdown.


  • Share a picture of your art on your blog with a learning intention with what you did or email to Mrs Hall or Mrs Broadwith

Tuesday 19th May 2020