Online Learning for Week 2

Kia ora Whanau, Welcome to our online learning site. This site will have the information and activities you need for your child to learn at home. If you need support or have any questions feel free to contact us at email: or We will both be checking our emails regularly throughout the day.


  • Meet with Mrs B or Mrs Hall on the Google Hangout at 11am. Click on the google hangout picture to meet with your teacher. We will talk about the learning for the day.
  • Have a go at doing the work we set for you.
  • Email or share when your finished.
  • One of us will be online 9am- 12pm each school day and can help you or your parent on Google Hangout.
  • We will keep the tasks up for the week so don't worry if you miss a day.

Next Google Hangout:

Friday 24th April with Mrs Hall

11am - 12.00pm

Kia ora whanau,

We understand that each of your family situations is different, and these are unusual times, so these plans are here to support you in your bubble - as you want and need them. There is no pressure from us to have to complete them. Please let us know if you need more, or if you need different - Keep staying safe - Good luck !

Don't forget Mrs B and Mrs H are available if you get stuck or have any questions!! 16/4/2020

Term 2 Weekly Online Timetable - Elise Broadwith & Jess Hall - Kotare Whānau - Year 3-4

Friday 24th April 2020

Spelling / Basic Facts


  • Test your spelling words from the week by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Add any spelling mistakes to your list for Week 3.
  • Ask someone in your family to Test you on the basic maths facts you have been learning this week. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Do you know them by heart or do you need another week?


  • A chart for yourself to monitor your spelling and basic facts progress over term 2. You could use colour and lable your


  • you could share your chart on your blog each week or email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Blog Challenge

We are learning to: post and comment on our blogs


  • Watch this video to remind yourself of how to comment on someone else's blog.


  • You need to publish a blog post about something from this week. It can be on ANZAC or something else you enjoyed. You need to make sure you have each of these in your post:
  • WALT (We are learning to:) What were you learning to do this should go at the top
  • Title
  • A brief explanation of what you did and enjoyed
  • Make sure you check your spelling and punctuation

After posting something to your blog. You will need to find 3 people in our class and comment on their blogs. This poster to the right has some helpful information about a quality blog comment.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

How to Comment on blogs..webm

Te Reo Activity

We are learning to: find important information in the text.


  • Listen to the Matariki story by clicking here.


  • After listening carefully to the story you can create a matariki poster about the important information from the story.
  • You may need to listen to the story again and this time write down all the things you learn't about Matariki.
  • With your poster you can make it as colourful as you can and try to have as much detail as you can.


Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Thursday 23rd April 2020


We are learning to: write to...

describe the picture using detail words to add interest.

Story starter!

Brian had often bought things from the market that had turned out to be the most outrageous, disappointing fakes.

He had presumed that the magic biscuits would have been exactly the same. How wrong he had been...


write to describe the picture of the dogs and their magic biscuits. Think about these questions:

What had happened when Brian fed the biscuits to his dogs?

How quickly did they grow to this size do you think?

Did Brian give the biscuits to anything/anyone else?

Have the creatures stopped growing?

How will Brian keep them as pets?

Is there a way for Brian to restore his animals to their original size?

Consider adding interesting words that describe what you or the dogs might see, hear, smell, taste and feel? Aim to write at least two paragraphs. It can be online or on paper.


If you would like: you can try writing a descriptive story using the picture. Keep it exciting and detailed. For example: One bright sunny day there lived two small dogs. They loved eating their biscuits but always felt like they weren't enough to fill their tummies. . .

Edit your writing to check you have used correct spelling and punctuation using the Editing Page


Look at these models of writing to see what great writing at your level might look like.

Describe an experience...



Take a photo of your writing and share it on your blog or in an email with Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Maths - Geometry Map

We are learning to: read a map using co-ordinates and write them correctly.


  • Watch this video about how to read grid co-ordinates. It will help you when you look at the map.
  • Look carefully at the map below. Try to figure out the co-ordinates of the places listed below. You can write these in your books.
  • For example Smugglers Cove is at A5 line A and number 5 so the answer is A5

Parrot Forest___________. The Blue Lagoon___________

Volcano Valley ___________ Crossbones Mountain____________

Shell Beach ____________ Treasure Cave______________


  • Now try to create your own map using coordinates. If you can try to use math lined paper to help with the grids.
  • Draw your map and put in some places. You could map out your house, bedroom, or an imaginative treasure map like this one.


Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.

This week's Science Experiment

How to make Hokey Pokey

We are learning to notice how different substances react to each other

In this experiment, you'll learn that Hokey Pokey is made when heated glucose (sugar and golden syrup) and baking soda are mixed together and react to create carbon dioxide.




  • Photos and writing about your experiment on your blog. Can you describe what happened? Can you explain why it happened? Try to add lots of description to help other people understand what's going on.

Want more ? Go and explore more science experiments for kids

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Kia ora Kotare Whanau,

Talking to a number of you yesterday we heard you are really enjoying the learning, and that you feel there is plenty to explore and do on this site. Some of you said that you would like a chance to go back and explore or complete some of the previous reading and writing tasks. So we've only put up a couple of new things for today's learning.

Don't forget we're here if you get stuck or have any questions!!


We are learning to: spelling essential words correctly to make writing easier


  • Practice your spelling words by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it


  • Make a set of flash cards for your words. Put the word on one side and use it in a sentence on the other. Underline your spelling word in the sentence. Check you've used a capital letter and punctuation.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Maths - Problem Solving

We are learning to: solve problems involving addition and subtraction using basic facts knowledge and strategies we have learnt this week.


  • Practice your maths facts to practice and learn from one of the math's stages on Maths Prototec
  • Revisit the strategy video you watched yesterday


  • play the game SKUNK (we call it RISK in class) you will need two dice and a piece of paper for recording it.
  • Solve this problem called Grandpa's Chocolates using your knowledge and strategy. Make up your own problem and solve it.


  • Explain what strategy you used to a person in your family or in a vlog (video blog) online

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.

This week's Art and Craft Task



  • A card for someone special on Anzac day. Think about the colours you will use and the types of images you might choose. Go back to the instructions and follow them carefully.
  • an envelope for your card


  • Send your card to your special person. Take a photo of your card and put it up on your blog, or in an email to your teacher.

Want more ? Go and explore some ideas on the How to... Wiki

Tuesday 21st April 2020


We are learning to: use a variety of strategies when reading texts, and identifying key words on a topic


Choose one of the following texts to find out more about Anzac Day. You could choose the same or a different one to last week.

Torty the Lucky Tortoise

The Anzac Button

In Memory: First World War Memorials

First World War Mascots

Write down any tricky words and find out what they mean using a dictionary

List any words your think are important to the topic of ANZAC


Make a copy and create a TIP chart to show 10 of the most important words around the topic of ANZAC. Write the word, a description of the word and find or draw a picture to show its meaning.

Example of a TIP Chart

Case's example of a TIP Chart


Share your TIP Chart with Mrs B

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Reading page.


We are learning to: write to...

describe how our family remembers ANZAC day

explain why ANZAC is important to New Zealanders


write to describe how your family remembers ANZAC day. Think about the things you do and why you do them. Consider adding interesting words that describe what you might see, hear, smell, taste and feel? Aim to write at least two paragraphs.


write to explain why ANZAC is important to New Zealanders. What is it about. Why do we remember it every year? What do you do and your family do to remember it. Use some of the words from your TIP Chart.

Edit your writing to check you have used correct spelling and punctuation using the Editing Page


Take a photo of your writing and share it on your blog or in an email with Mrs B.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


Look at these models of writing to see what great writing at your level might look like.

Describe an experience...


Maths - Strategy

We are learning to: learn and practice maths strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems

Click on the link and watch the video. Practice using the word problems.

Early Stage 5 - End of Year 3

Stage 5 - End of Year 4

Early Stage 6 - End of Year 5

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.


Inquiry - Anzac Films

Learn & Share:

Today's wet afternoon activity is watching some movies. You may like to set up your lounge as a movie theater with seats, signs and popcorn to watch these films with your family. Afterwards, discuss with your family - which ones did you enjoy? Which ones were hard to watch? How did they make you feel?

ANZAC - Here they come: a day to remember .

Although this is an Australian film it has a great message about why remembering ANZAC Day is important. It is easy to watch and has a clear message.

Choose from a selection of Great War Stories - NZ Collection to find out more about famous and important ANZAC stories. Great War Stories is a series of 35 four-minute documentaries remembering New Zealanders in World War l. The season ran from 2014 - 2018


Monday 20th April 2020


We are learning to: write legibly

  • Complete today's handwriting challenge: Yy lower case y and Capital Y
  • Write out this Yy phrase: Young yaks say "Yay!" when mummy yak says "I've made some yummy yams for you."


We are learning to: spelling essential words correctly to make writing easier


  • Choose 10 new spelling words from one of the Essential Spelling lists
  • Write down your spelling words in your spelling notebook
  • Practice your words by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it



  • post your Secret codes on your blog or send a picture in an email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Maths - Basic Facts

We are learning to: recall basic maths facts quickly to make harder maths easier


  • Choose a new set of maths facts to practice and learn from one of the math's stages on Maths Prototec
  • Write out these basic facts in your homework notebook


  • make a set of flash cards that help you to remember the facts. Put the equation on one side and the answer on the other. Include pictures and colours to help reinforce the learning.


  • Practice your facts by testing yourself using the flash cards. Take a photo and post it on your blog.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.

Shared Reading & Cooking

We are learning to: listen carefully to a text and

think about the way the author has used language to engage the audience.


Create - optional

  • Follow this recipe to create your own Anzac Biscuits - think about how you can make them unique to your family
  • Write or type out the recipe and decorate it with drawings or photos from your baking.


  • Share your biscuits with your whanau.
  • Share your Anzac biscuit recipe and photos of your biscuits on your blog

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

This week's Inquiry Activity



Watch one of the following craft videos to make a single red Poppy (Video or instructions) or an Egg Carton Poppy Garden


  • Your creations and new learning with your class on at your google hangout, or put it up on your blog.

Want more ? Go and explore some more activities on Anzac Day