Online Learning for Week 5

Kia ora Whanau,

Welcome to our online learning site. This site will have the information and activities you need for your child to learn at home. If you need support or have any questions feel free to contact at email:

As Elise will be in school in the next few weeks, Mrs Hall will be working with you through your online learning from now. I will be checking my emails regularly throughout the day if you need any help.

Next Google Hangout:

Wednesday 13th May with Mrs Hall: Whole Class

10.00am - 11.00am


  • There will be no google hangout on Friday. Work will still be available online.


  • Meet with Mrs Hall on the Google Hangout at 10am. Click on the google hangout picture to meet with your teacher. We will talk about the learning for the day.
  • Have a go at doing the work set for you.
  • Email or share when you're finished.
  • I will be online 9am- 12pm each school day and can help you or your parent on Google Hangout.
  • We will keep the tasks up for the week so don't worry if you miss a day.
Weekly Online Timetable

Thursday 14th/Friday 15th May 2020

Spelling / Basic Facts


  • Test your spelling words from the week by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Add any spelling mistakes to your list for Week 5.
  • Ask someone in your family to Test you on the basic maths facts you have been learning this week. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Do you know them by heart or do you need another week?


  • A chart for yourself to monitor your spelling and basic facts progress over term 2. You could use colour and label


  • you could share your chart on your blog each week or email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page or Online Spelling Games


Click on all the links that are in blue to take you to the site for reading. Make sure you read ALL the instructions and share your learning to your teacher or blog when you have finished. This is the reading activities for Thursday and Friday so don't worry if you don't finish it all in one day.

Reading Thursday/Friday

Math 3D Nets

Click on all the links that are in blue to take you to the site or activity. Make sure you read ALL the instructions and share your learning to your teacher or blog when you have finished. This is the math activities for Thursday and Friday so don't worry if you don't finish it all in one day.

Math Thursday/Friday


WALT: Write using detail to explain our thoughts and feelings

We have now been learning online for 5 weeks. Below are some questions that I want you to think about and answer as it will help me plan in the future and know how you felt about the online learning. You can complete these questions with your parents if you wish as it would be great to hear both whanau and student responses :)

1. What have you enjoyed most about learning online?

2. What has been your least favourite thing about learning online?

3. What have you found difficult during learning online?

4.What are you looking forward to most when you get back to school?

5. Is there anything else you would like to say about our online learning and any feedback for both Mrs Hall and Mrs Broadwith.

Kiwi Can Lesson


Kiwi Can lesson 2.mp4

Blog Challenge

We are learning to: post and comment on our blogs


  • Think about your learning from this week and think about something that you really enjoyed.


  • You need to publish a blog post about something from this week or something else you enjoyed. You need to make sure you have each of these in your post:
  • WALT (We are learning to:) What were you learning to do this should go at the top
  • Title
  • A brief explanation of what you did and enjoyed
  • Make sure you check your spelling and punctuation

After posting something to your blog. You will need to find 3 people in ANOTHER class and comment on their blogs. The links below are for the other classes at Kaingaroa. Find 3 people to comment on

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Wednesday 13th May 2020


We are learning to: write legibly

  • Complete today's handwriting challenge: lower case m and Capital M to make mmmmm sound.
  • Write out this phrase: Mini the magnificent magpie liked to munch on mandarins on Monday's.


We are learning to: read a text and think carefully about the main ideas


Read the texts below about space and planets

My What If Planet

Night Light

Cool Facts About a Hot Place


Create a KWL chart about these three things

K- What I already know about space/solar system/planets

W- What I want to know about this?

L- Leave the L part as we will finish this in class after we learn more about it.


Share your KWL chart onto your blog with the WALT or email to Mrs Hall

Want more? Go and explore the literacy page.

Math Problem Solving

We are learning to: Identify 3D shapes and their attributes

  • Learn
  • Watch the video about 3D shapes it talks about faces, sides, corners etc
  • Create

You now need to create a poster that shows each of the important parts of information from the video.

Your poster needs:

Picture of the 3D shape then its attributes (sides, edges, corners)

And maybe add in 3 or 4 objects at home that are the same shapes as your 3D shapes

Try to have 4 different 3D shapes on your poster.


Share a picture onto your blog or email to Mrs Hall

Want more? Go and explore the math page.

Tuesday 12th May 2020


WALT: Read independently and follow a task correctly


  • Choose a story from home
  • It needs to be a fictional story (made up)
  • Choose any story that you enjoy reading.


  • Complete 3 or 4 of the reading response activities and make sure you use colour to make it look creative.


  • post your completed work on your blog with a brief write up of what you did and the book you read or send a picture in an email to Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


WALT: Use descriptive words to describe an image creatively.


  • Describing words are adjectives. Watch this video to help remind you of what adjectives are.


  • Create a descriptive piece of writing that is about 2 paragraphs long describing the picture below.
  • Remember to think about the senses to help you describe it. Looks like, sounds like, taste, feel etc.
  • If you don't want to write about the chocolate cake then you can choose another food that you love or hate to write descriptively about.


  • Share a picture or your writing onto your blog. Or email to Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


WALT: Make ten to solve addition problems


  • Watch the video about how to use the make 10 strategy.


  • Answer the math problems below using the make 10 strategy. I want to see your working and how you made 10 from a number. Like in the example video.

8+4= 9+8=

7+7= 13+8=

8+6= 14+8=

5+8= 15+6=

4+9= 19+5=


  • Share your solved math problems onto your blog or email to Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the math page.

Monday 11th May 2020



  • Choose 10 spelling words from one of the Essential Spelling lists
  • Write down your spelling words in your spelling notebook
  • Practice your words by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it


  • make a word search for your spelling words to help you learn them
  • solve the word search


  • post your completed word search on your blog or send a picture in an email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


We are learning to: write legibly

  • Complete today's handwriting challenge: lower case w and Capital W to make sss-sss sound.
  • Write out this phrase: Willow the whale went through the waves, while Wendy waited wearily for them to pass.


We are learning to: write a detailed recount using different types of punctuation

Today for writing you will be choosing something you did this weekend.

You can plan your writing with picture boxes or brainstorm of all the words you might use in your writing.


Write a recount

  • You need to make sure you have detailed words that make your writing interesting .
  • Capital letters a full stops are correct
  • Try to use some other types of punctuation in your writing.

Edit your writing to check you have used correct spelling and punctuation using the Editing Page

Recount Example

Look at this for help on types of punctuation


Take a photo of your writing and share it on your blog or in an email with Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Math Basic Facts

We are learning to: recall basic maths facts quickly to make harder maths easier


  • Choose a new set of maths facts to practice and learn from one of the math's stages on Maths Prototec
  • Write out these basic facts in your homework notebook


  • make a set of flash cards that help you to remember the facts. Put the equation on one side and the answer on the other. Include pictures and colours to help reinforce the learning.


  • Practice your facts by testing yourself using the flash cards. Take a photo and post it on your blog or email it to

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page. You can also practise your basic facts on XtraMath please let me know if you cannot remember you password for this XtraMath

Tape Artwork

We are learning to: create some art at home with tape.


  • Look carefully at the examples of art below.


  • You will need paper, tape, paint or colouring pens/pencils.
  • Get your paper and put on the tape wherever you would like. Making only straight lines with the tape.
  • Once you are happy with where your tape is you can colour in each section in different colours.
  • If you don't have paper you could even do this activity with chalk on the concrete.
  • When you've coloured in each section you can then remove your tape and see your amazing creation.


  • Share a picture of your art on your blog with a learning intention with what you did or email to Mrs Hall