Online Learning for Week 5

Kia ora Whanau,

Welcome to our online learning site. This site will have the information and activities you need for your child to learn at home. If you need support or have any questions feel free to contact at email:

As Elise will be in school in the next few weeks, Mrs Hall will be working with you through your online learning from now. I will be checking my emails regularly throughout the day if you need any help.

Next Google Hangout:

Friday 8th May with Mrs Hall: Whole Class

10.00am - 11.00am


  • Meet with Mrs Hall on the Google Hangout at 10am. Click on the google hangout picture to meet with your teacher. We will talk about the learning for the day.
  • Have a go at doing the work set for you.
  • Email or share when you're finished.
  • I will be online 9am- 12pm each school day and can help you or your parent on Google Hangout.
  • We will keep the tasks up for the week so don't worry if you miss a day.
Weekly Online Timetable

Friday 8th May 2020

Spelling / Basic Facts


  • Test your spelling words from the week by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Add any spelling mistakes to your list for Week 5.
  • Ask someone in your family to Test you on the basic maths facts you have been learning this week. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Do you know them by heart or do you need another week?


  • A chart for yourself to monitor your spelling and basic facts progress over term 2. You could use colour and label


  • you could share your chart on your blog each week or email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page or Online Spelling Games

Blog Challenge

We are learning to: post and comment on our blogs


  • Watch this video to remind yourself of how to comment on someone else's blog.


  • You need to publish a blog post about something from this week or something else you enjoyed. You need to make sure you have each of these in your post:
  • WALT (We are learning to:) What were you learning to do this should go at the top
  • Title
  • A brief explanation of what you did and enjoyed
  • Make sure you check your spelling and punctuation

After posting something to your blog. You will need to find 3 people in our class and comment on their blogs. This poster to the right has some helpful information about a quality blog comment.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Math Reversing Numbers

We are learning to: Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.


With this activity you can choose a 2 digit number then reverse the numbers and then add these together.

  • There are many patterns that can be found in this problem. Let's try a few numbers and see what we get:

13 + 31 = 44

26 + 62 = 88


Share a picture onto your blog or email to Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the math page.

Thursday 7th May 2020



Read the story Backyard Chooks

Backyard Chooks


Write all the words you can think of that you could hear in the story relating to chickens. Unknown and known words.

If you find unknown words then find the meaning of these.

Answer these questions

  • Do you use a lot of eggs in your family? What are they used for?
  • Why does Mum say they’ll have to do the maths? What questions will they need to ask? What information could help them?
  • What do you predict they will do next?
  • What were the important questions for Jean and her family?


Share your chicken vocabulary and questions with answers with Mrs Hall by email or upload to your blog

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Reading page.


WALT: write narratives (made up stories) using detail words


*Open your gmail

*Find this slide I've sent you

*Complete your writing using the character by your name. I have done an example for you.

Writing Thursday 7th May


I will be able to see your work and help you as you type. Don't forget to check your spelling and make sure your writing makes sense.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


WALT: know doubles to 20

Read the slides beside and watch the videos about doubles.

Complete the doubles problems on paper and upload a photo to your blog or email.

Math Thursday


I will be able to see your work and help you as you type. Don't forget to check your answers and email them to Mrs Hall or post a photo to your blog.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the math page

Wednesday 6th May 2020


We are learning to: write legibly

  • Complete today's handwriting challenge: lower case t and Capital T to make a "t" sound.
  • Write out this phrase: The terrible train trucked along the tracks. "Toot, toot" as it passed two trucks talking.



Read the story below about wasps. Make sure you try to find out what any unknown words mean to help you with the meaning of the story.


Create a poster showing the different facts about wasps.

Try to make sure it has all or most of these things:

  • Title
  • 5-10 Facts about wasps from the text
  • Some pictures to add detail and make your poster exciting
  • Who is the poster by

You can create this poster either online or on paper


Share your reading poster with Mrs Hall by email or upload to your blog

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Reading page.



  • create and talk about geometric patterns that repeat
  • learn to slide a shape without rotating or flipping it, so that the shape looks exactly the same, just in a different place. The shape is not rotated, reflected or resized. In maths this is known as ‘translation’.


Share to your blog or email a photo to Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page. You can also practise your basic facts on XtraMath

Whitebait Connection

Critter Challenge Series - Week One!

It's competition time!

Over the next three weeks we will be running a competition to get you learning about our amazing freshwater environments and what lives there! This week's activity is our 'Critter of the Day' colouring page.

Print off our Critter of the Day page and start colouring in!

As an added challenge we also want to see how many critters you can identify on the page. Head to our facebook page or instagram to get clues on how to identify your critters.

How to submit your creations:

Once completed send your creations to, with your name and age.

Alternatively you can tag your creations on instagram using #WBCcritter or send them through to our facebook page.

We will announce the winners on the Sunday of each week.

What's up for grabs?

"What’s that living in my stream?" by Amber McEwan and our Giant Kokopu ChocFish!

Tuesday 5th May 2020


Yesterday you were asked to explore and create something. Eg, hut, sandpit, baking etc

Watch this video to help with a story outline

Reading/Writing Activity


You need to write a story that includes your creation or exploration from yesterday. For example if you made a hut you could create a story about a rabbit that lived in a beautiful wooden hut. Or if you made baking you could write a story about a puppy that loved to bake chocolate chip cookies.

After you have written your story you could create it into a short book using paper or making it on google slides.


Take a photo of your writing and share it on your blog or in an email with Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


WALT Learn our 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x times tables and corresponding division facts. Addition/subtraction to 50, 100, or 1 000 depending on your numeracy stage. Geometry-2D shapes and 3D shapes

Click on some of the links below to practise your math for today. Don't forget you can also go onto studyladder math and Xtramath for more.

Maths Links

Prototec Maths Basic Facts

Learn your Times tables

Below are some links to learn about 3D shapes. The last link if you can has nets to make your own. If you want these can be printed out and then put together. See if you can figure it out. If you cannot print try to draw your own 3D shapes and the nets for these.

The Language of 3D shapes

Nets for 3D shapes

Make your own 3D shapes Click on the top net so you see all of the nets

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page. You can also practise your basic facts on XtraMath

Craft Activity Mothers Day Card


Watch the video below it has some different ideas for making a mothers day card. If you don't see any you like on here feel free to search for an easier option.


Create a Mothers Day card for either your mum, caregiver, nana, aunty or someone special to you.


Share your creation as a photo by email or on your blog. Make sure you write what you did and what you enjoyed on here.

Monday 4th May 2020



  • Choose 10 spelling words from one of the Essential Spelling lists
  • Write down your spelling words in your spelling notebook
  • Practice your words by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it


  • make a word search for your spelling words to help you learn them
  • solve the word search


  • post your completed word search on your blog or send a picture in an email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.


We are learning to: write legibly

  • Complete today's handwriting challenge: lower case s and Capital S to make sss-sss sound.
  • Write out this phrase: Silly snakes slither slowly through the soft strands of grass!


We are learning to: write a detailed recount using different types of punctuation

Today for writing you will be choosing something you have done either in the weekend or during lockdown.

You can plan your writing with picture boxes or brainstorm of all the words you might use in your writing.


Write a recount

  • You need to make sure you have detailed words that make your writing interesting .
  • Capital letters a full stops are correct
  • Try to use some other types of punctuation in your writing.

Edit your writing to check you have used correct spelling and punctuation using the Editing Page

Recount Example

Look at this for help on types of punctuation


Take a photo of your writing and share it on your blog or in an email with Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Math Basic Facts

We are learning to: recall basic maths facts quickly to make harder maths easier


  • Choose a new set of maths facts to practice and learn from one of the math's stages on Maths Prototec
  • Write out these basic facts in your homework notebook


  • make a set of flash cards that help you to remember the facts. Put the equation on one side and the answer on the other. Include pictures and colours to help reinforce the learning.


  • Practice your facts by testing yourself using the flash cards. Take a photo and post it on your blog or email it to

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page. You can also practise your basic facts on XtraMath please let me know if you cannot remember you password for this XtraMath

Explore Time

Play is a fantastic learning for junior children. The more creative the children can be the better.

Activities you could explore: eg sandpit, hut making , car track for toys, play dough, gardening, growing seeds, looking after animals, baking, indoor tents with blankets.etc

Your task is to choose something to explore today. We will be sharing this tomorrow through writing so try to do something you enjoy. :) Have fun exploring.

If possible you will need to take photos of what you have done so we can share and talk about these later.