Online Learning for Week 3

Kia ora Whanau,

Welcome to our online learning site. This site will have the information and activities you need for your child to learn at home. If you need support or have any questions feel free to contact at email:

As Elise will be in school in the next few weeks, Mrs Hall will be working with you through your online learning from now. I will be checking my emails regularly throughout the day if you need any help.


  • Meet with Mrs Hall on the Google Hangout at 10am. Click on the google hangout picture to meet with your teacher. We will talk about the learning for the day.
  • Have a go at doing the work set for you.
  • Email or share when you're finished.
  • I will be online 9am- 12pm each school day and can help you or your parent on Google Hangout.
  • We will keep the tasks up for the week so don't worry if you miss a day.

Next Google Hangout:

Friday 1st May with Mrs Hall


Weekly Online Timetable

Friday 1st May 2020

Spelling / Basic Facts


  • Test your spelling words from the week by: saying it - sounding it out - spelling it - writing it - checking it. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Add any spelling mistakes to your list for Week 4.
  • Ask someone in your family to Test you on the basic maths facts you have been learning this week. Give yourself a score. How did you go? Do you know them by heart or do you need another week?


  • A chart for yourself to monitor your spelling and basic facts progress over term 2. You could use colour and lable your


  • you could share your chart on your blog each week or email to your teacher

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page or Online Spelling Games

Blog Challenge

We are learning to: post and comment on our blogs


  • Watch this video to remind yourself of how to comment on someone else's blog.


  • You need to publish a blog post about something from this week or something else you enjoyed. You need to make sure you have each of these in your post:
  • WALT (We are learning to:) What were you learning to do this should go at the top
  • Title
  • A brief explanation of what you did and enjoyed
  • Make sure you check your spelling and punctuation

After posting something to your blog. You will need to find 3 people in our class and comment on their blogs. This poster to the right has some helpful information about a quality blog comment.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

How to Comment on blogs..webm

Science Activity

Dry Erase Experiment Video

Take a photo of your experiment and share what happened online.

Thursday 30th April 2020


We are learning to: write an explanation using detail words.


You have been in lockdown now for 5 weeks. A lot has happened in 5 weeks and our lives have changed so much. But it will soon be back to normal. What are you most looking forward to when lockdown is over?


write to explain what you are most looking forward to when lockdown is over.

Consider adding interesting words that describe what you might see, hear, smell, taste and feel? Aim to write at least two paragraphs. It can be online or on paper.


Share your writing by email to Mrs Hall or upload it to your blog.

Want more? Feel free to create a free write of whatever you would like to write about.

Maths Geometry

We are learning to: follow instructions using half and quarter turns clockwise and anticlockwise.


  • Watch the videos explaining clockwise and anti clockwise

The second video explains half and quarter turns both clockwise and anti clockwise.


Look carefully at the treasure map below and try to follow the instructions to help the pirate find the treasure.

After you have found it. Create your own treasure map with instructions for someone else in your else or for me and I will try to find your hidden treasure.

Make sure your instructions are detailed.

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page.

Instructions to find the Pirates treasure.

Make sure you start at the start then follow the instructions below

Continue Planning Your Movie Making Activity

  • We are learning to: start planning an adventure movie.

Think about what you would like to film. Create a story board of your ideas.

It could look something like this.

To make this movie they used a storyboard to plan each part of the film.

You should plan for your movie to have:

  • An opening scene
  • Main character or characters
  • Plot- what is going to happen? Is something good or bad going to happen?
  • The ending do they sort the problem?

After your plan start to film short clips of your adventure film at home. You may need to borrow a phone, tablet or Ipad.

Don't worry about putting it together just yet. We will do this later.

Wednesday 29th April 2020


We are learning to: write legibly

  • Complete today's handwriting challenge: Yy lower case u and Capital U
  • Write out this Uu phrase: Up, up, up! The unique unicorn flew under the clouds with an umbrella.

Shared Reading Activity

We are learning to: listen to a story and write a retell of what happened with detail


Go to your email and find this slideshow that I have shared with you. Scroll to find your name and write a re-tell about the story.


  • I will be able to see your response and help where needed.

Want more? Find the reading page on our site and choose from some of the reading activities.

Week 3 Wednesday Reading Activity

Math Problem Solving

We are learning to: Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.


  • Read the math problem about the pigs and ducks.
  • Think carefully about what the problem is asking you. We will discuss more on our google hangout. Answer and share


  • After figuring out the problem click on this and make a copy and fill out each box answering how you figured out the problem.

Thinkboard Activity

If you would like to work on paper instead of online then you can draw up the think board instead


Want more: Create a new think board with your own math problem

Example of a think board

Movie Making Activity

  • We are learning to: start planning an adventure movie.

Think about what you would like to film. Create a story board of your ideas.

It could look something like this.

To make this movie they used a storyboard to plan each part of the film.

You should plan for your movie to have:

  • An opening scene
  • Main character or characters
  • Plot- what is going to happen? Is something good or bad going to happen?
  • The ending do they sort the problem?

After your plan start to film short clips of your adventure film at home. You may need to borrow a phone, tablet or Ipad.

Don't worry about putting it together just yet. We will do this later.

Tuesday 28th April 2020


We are learning to: use a variety of strategies when reading texts, and identifying key words on a topic


Choose one of the following texts to listen to.

Night is a Blanket

Always Great Never Late

Best Mates

You can choose a book from home if you have a favourite

Write down any tricky words and find out what they mean using a dictionary

List any words you think are descriptive as it might help you later


Create a writing response answering each of these questions.

  • What was you favourite part from the story?
  • What was the story about?

Can you change the ending of the story and write a new detailed ending that is different?

Also draw a picture of the story: You could create a new front page or draw your favourite part


Share your reading response with Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Reading page.


We are learning to: write to...

describe the picture using detail words to add interest.

Story starter!

What is that delightful smell? I thought to myself as I sniffed closely to the deck. I could smell the warm creation that my human had made. I knew it wasn't for me but it was too hard to resist. Uh oh. . . I suddenly realised I was stuck. . .


write to describe the picture of the dog that seems to be stuck.

Consider adding interesting words that describe what you or the dog might see, hear, smell, taste and feel? Aim to write at least two paragraphs. It can be online or on paper.


If you would like: you can try writing a descriptive story using the picture. Keep it exciting and detailed. For example: Using the story starter or creating your own exciting starter.

Edit your writing to check you have used correct spelling and punctuation using the Editing Page


Look at these models of writing to see what great writing at your level might look like.

Describe an experience...



Take a photo of your writing and share it on your blog or in an email with Mrs Hall

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the literacy page.

Math Basic Facts

We are learning to: recall basic maths facts quickly to make harder maths easier


  • Choose a new set of maths facts to practice and learn from one of the math's stages on Maths Prototec
  • Write out these basic facts in your homework notebook


  • make a set of flash cards that help you to remember the facts. Put the equation on one side and the answer on the other. Include pictures and colours to help reinforce the learning.


  • Practice your facts by testing yourself using the flash cards. Take a photo and post it on your blog or email it to

Want more ? Go and explore the games on the Maths page. You can also practise your basic facts on XtraMath please let me know if you cannot remember you password for this XtraMath

Craft and Construction Activity



  • Choose one of the videos and watch it carefully, try and create an origami creation. Make sure you look closely and pause the video when it gives you instructions. Its okay to get it wrong and it be hard just have a go :)


Want more ? Go and explore some ideas on the How to... Wiki you cpuld type in some different animals to make with origami.