Repeated Subtraction

Repeated Subtraction:

Used as a division strategy. The child will repeatedly subtract the divisor until they reach zero. The child must keep track on the amount of times they subtracted.

Videos for Educators

Important Information

Repeated subtraction is often a strategy used when students are just developing multiplicative reasoning.

This strategy can be a stepping stone towards using partial quotients.

Multiplication Models

What students might do:

What students might say: "I kept subtracting 4 until I got to zero. I then counted up how many times I subtracted 4 to get my answer."

Strategies to Support Students Learning:

  • Once students are comfortable with repeated subtraction, partial quotients can be introduced

  • Encourage students to see larger numbers that may be subtracted to get to zero

  • Encourage students to use friendly numbers such as 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 when subtracting

Things You Can Do In The Classroom


Activities and Lessons

Trading Up To 1000

Printable Tools