All EL students take the ACCESS English proficiency test each school year. This test measures students' proficiency in academic English, the kind of language used in a textbook or during a classroom discussion. There are four sections on the test- reading, writing, listening, and speaking. ACCESS testing takes place in January and February. 


EL program staff use ACCESS test scores, grades, teacher recommendations, and other considerations to determine the appropriate level of support for each EL student. Scores are also used to track students' progress towards academic English proficiency. A student exits the EL program when they earn an overall score of at least 5.0.  


Accommodations are available for students with IEPs. The Alternate ACCESS test is an option for students, depending on their IEP. 

TEacher Resources

Sample ACCESS tasks

by Norman Sales, Farrington High School

Google Form templates for listening, reading, writing, and speaking tasks.  


WIDA's test practice and sample items

Page with links to test demos, sample items, and a practice test. Check out the grades 9-12 sample items for the ACCESS paper on bottom right.


Scoring Information

WIDA writing rubric

WIDA speaking rubric

WIDA Performance Definitions