
We often refer to these dispositions as soft skills. The Tessera Assessment by ACT allows us to not only assess the "Big 5" dispositions in our students, but also provides clear ideas for planning and creating opportunities for students to work on any dispositions that they may not yet be competent in. This is powerful for our schools and teachers because it gives us a common language to use K-12 that we can embed in our curriculum and throughout our daily work with students.

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Curiosity reflects the extent to which a student’s actions demonstrate creativity, inquisitiveness, flexibility, open-mindedness, and embracing diversity.

Grit reflects the extent to which a student’s actions demonstrate persistence, goal striving, reliability, dependability, and attention to detail at school.

Leadership reflects the extent to which a student’s actions demonstrate assertiveness, influence, optimism, and enthusiasm.

Resilience reflects the extent to which a student’s actions demonstrate stress management, emotional regulation, a positive response to setbacks, and poise.

Teamwork reflects the extent to which a student’s actions demonstrate collaboration, empathy, helpfulness, trust, and trustworthiness.