The Color Guard at Eastern High School is an integral part of the success of the Eastern High School Marching Band.  The Color Guard is a major contributing factor to the visual program behind the marching band.  The color guard consists of 20-30 members, and they work to incorporate dance, equipment (flags and rifles), props and costuming to help the marching band bring their program to life! More information can be found on the Marching Band Page


Winter Guard

The Eastern High School Winterguard is broken up into a Varsity, and Junior Varsity Guard.  The Eastern Guard performs independently as a part of Tristate Marching Arts Circuit as well as Winter Guard International. Winter Guard is a performance based art, that incorporates pageantry through dance, costuming, and the manipulation of equipment (flags, rifles and sabres).

How to Join

Winter Guard Auditions are held in November/December at the conclusion of Marching Season.

What is Winterguard?

Click here for a video about Winter Guard

Email  with with any questions! BAND App for communication 

Provisional Calendar attached below (subject to change)