EHS Band Parent Association

The EHS Band Parent Association is a volunteer group. Thank you to all the parents that support the band! Without the tireless work of the Band Parent Association, the Eastern band could not operate at the highest level. Our support enables the directors and staff to spend as much time working with our children as possible. The Booster Officers and Committee Chairs are volunteers just like you who would love to help you find a way to support the band and our children.

As a reminder, anyone who volunteers and is in direct contact with students must fill out this volunteer background check.

The Executive Committee and Board for the Band Parents Association is responsible for countless hours of work and planning to help make every facet of the band program a success!  If you have any questions you can feel free to direct them to the executive board! 

As a parent, guardian, or supporter of our students, there is an expectation that you attend each booster meeting. At these meetings, you will collaborate with others to make things happen for our students! We live by the Three E’s, Education, Equipment and Experiences (that’s what we’re raising $ for). For Families, it’s Time, Treasure and Talent. Everyone has something to offer!

Succession is imperative to the success of our program, if you can serve in a greater capacity, you will have the opportunity to serve in a specific role(s). A list of roles and a brief description below.

UNIFORM CREW The uniform crew keeps the Band and Colorguard looking good. They measure and fit for band and guard uniforms during Band Camp. Uniforms are assigned to students and organized on racks for storage and travel. The uniform crew helps at football games, competitions, and performances. Sewing skills are helpful but not required.

CHAPERONES If you like working with high school students and helping with behind-the-scenes activities for marching band competitions, you should consider being a chaperone!  Chaperones travel with the kids on the buses to each competition. If you possess any medical expertise, this would be invaluable, but not required.

FOOD CREW The food crew prepares meals and snacks to feed all band members and parent volunteers on away competition days. 

PIT CREW The pit crew attends all home football games, performances and competitions. They usually travel ahead of the Band and are essential for the loading and unloading of uniforms, instruments, equipment and props. They are responsible for getting everything on and off the field, usually in a short amount of time. The pit crew also helps create the props and other items requested by the Band Directors. 

HOME COMPETITION We are hosting the Annual Eagle Classic this season. It takes many people to run a successful competition so we need at least one parent/relative of each student to work at least ½ a day at the competition we host. You will receive an email to sign up for a job that interests you closer to the dates of the competitions we will host. The competition we will host in 2022 is October 15th at Eastern.