technology tidbits + loom


Record and share videos of your screen, web camera, or both.

Update: To continue to offer Loom to verified students and teachers for free, they have introduced the following limits on Loom for Education:

  • Record videos up to 45 minutes in length. This new limit does not apply to existing recordings and is currently waived in response to COVID-19.

  • One Creator per Workspace. You can have unlimited Viewer accounts in your Workspace, but are limited to a single Creator account.

Set Up, Recording, and Editing

add the loom chrome extension
upgrade loom to the free education pro version
screen record and screencast
flip webcam video on chrome extension
webcam size options for chrome extension
webcam size options for app

Only for the App users (Not available with the Chrome Extension)

annotating feature

Only for the App users (Not available with the Chrome Extension)

edit a recording

Uploading and Embedding Videos on an LMS

upload recorded videos to google drive
inserting a google drive video in google classroom
inserting a google drive video in a seesaw activity
embedding a loom video into Schoology