Encrypting/Protecting Documents 

Protecting Word and Excel Documents 

Password Protecting Word and Excel Files.mp4

How to Protect Word and Excel Files
For Windows PC's

Protecting/encrypting word and excel documents is a built-in feature of both programs. This makes it easy to secure these files. Please follow the tutorial video below for instructions on how to use this feature to secure your documents. 


Please make sure that you secure your password used to make protected files. Losing the password will mean never being able to access that document again. We cannot recover this password. 

Encrypting For Mac Users .mov

How to Protect Word and Excel Files 

For Mac Devices 

Protecting/encrypting word and excel documents is a built-in feature of both programs. This makes it easy to secure these files. Please follow the tutorial video below for instructions on how to use this feature to secure your documents. 


Please make sure that you secure your password used to make protected files. Losing the password will mean never being able to access that document again. We cannot recover this password. 

Protecting PDF Documents 

Password Protecting PDF Documents With Adobe Acrobat Pro 

Note: If you have access or can get access to Adobe Acrobat Pro that will be the easiest way to encrypt/password-protect PDF documents. Adobe Pro also allows you to redact certain portions of a document giving added flexibility to document protection. 



Please make sure that you secure your password used to make protected PDFs. Losing the password will mean never being able to access that document again. We cannot recover this password. Also, make sure that if a copy of the file is made, that you delete the unprotected original file and leave just the password-protected version. 

If you have Adobe Pro Follow these steps: 

PDF Encryption Tutorial .mov

Protecting a PDF on Windows Device Without Adobe Acrobat Pro 

PDF documents can be encrypted/password protected without Adobe Pro. This can be used as of November 28th, 2022. Future use may not be guaranteed. Please watch the video for instructions. 

Encrypt PDF with Mac.mov

Protecting a PDF on a Mac

This video gives a brief tutorial on how to password protect/ encrypt a PDF on a Mac device. 

Encrypting Folders Using 7-Zip

After 7-Zip is installed, how do I encrypt my folders?

7 Zip Tutorial

7-Zip Troubleshooting After Installation

7 Zip - Troubleshoot

Encrypting Folders On a Mac

Mac User Folder Encryption .mp4

This short tutorial will show Mac users how to encrypt entire folders. This can be useful for older or large collections of files where it may be difficult to evaluate if individual documents may contain PII.