
Getting Started with iPad

Getting Started With iPad

iPad Overview

iPad Overview Diagram

Connecting Your iPad with Apple TV


Start Mirroring

If you belong to JCISD tech consortium, your Apple TV should be named your room.

  1. On your iPad, open Control Center by using one finger to swipe down from the top right hand corner.

  2. Click the Screen Mirroring button.

  3. Choose your Apple TV based on your room number.

  4. If an Apple TV 4-digit passcode appears on your projector screen, enter the passcode on your iPad.

Stop Mirroring

To stop mirroring, open Control Center, click the Screen Mirroring button that now says your Apple TV number, click Stop Mirroring. Or press the Menu button on your Apple TV Remote.

Learn more about mirroring or extending the display of your Mac.

Sending Scannable Documents to your G Drive

iPad Gestures

Get to Home

  1. To get to your home screen place 4 or 5 of your fingers spread widely on your screen and bring them together quickly.

  2. Place 4 fingers close together on the bottom half of the screen and push them towards the top

  3. With 1 finger start just below the screen and swipe up.

Access Dock

Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to see your dock.

Task Switcher

  1. Place 5 fingers spread widely on your screen and slowly bring them together until the opened apps appear.

  2. Place 4 fingers close together on the bottom half of the screen and push up towards the top slowly until the opened apps appear.

  3. With 1 finger start just below the screen and swipe slowly until the opened apps appear.

Move Between Opened Apps

  1. Using 4 or 5 fingers swipe left or right to move between recently opened apps.

  2. Using 1 finger start just below the screen and swipe up slowly. As soon as you see the dock swipe left or right.

Open Notification Center

Using 1 finger start just above the screen and swipe down. Try to stay towards the middle or left side of the screen when doing so.

Access Widgets

While in the lock screen or notification screen swipe right with 1 finger.

Access Camera

4 Ways to Access the iPad Camera

  1. Click on the App icon while looking at your home screen.

  2. Pull down the Control Center from the top right of the screen with 1 finger. Then click on the camera icon.

  3. Pull down the Notification Center from the top middle of the screen with 1 finger. Then swipe one finger from right to left.

  4. While in the lock screen swipe left with 1 finger.

Access Control Center

Using 1 finger start just above the screen on the right side and swipe down.

Trackpad Mode

  1. Place 2 fingers anywhere on the keyboard for a second and then move them in the direction you want the cursor to move.

  2. Place 1 finger on the spacebar for 1 second and then move it in the direction you want the cursor to move.

Zoom In and Out

Zoom In - Place 2 fingers on the screen and push them apart.

Zoom Out - Place 2 fingers on the screen apart from each other and pinch in.

Slide Over

While in an app, place 1 finger below the screen and slowly move up until you see the dock. Press on a different app and drag up. Let go of the app. (This works for most, but not all apps.)

Split View

While in an app, place 1 finger below the screen and slowly move up until you see the dock. Press on a different app, drag it up and to the right or left until a black space appears. Drop the app there. (This works for most, but not all apps.)

Drag and Drop

While in split view or slide over highlight text. Then press on the highlighted text with 1 finger and drag to the other app. (This only works in apps where you write. Examples: Emails, Notes, etc.)

Turn on Screen Recording Option

  1. Click on Settings app.

  2. Click on General in the left column.

  3. Click on the Customize Controls option in the right column.

  4. Click the green plus button next to the Screen Recording Option.

  5. Click the home button to get back to the main screen.

  6. Use one finger to pull down the control center in the top right hand corner.

  7. Click and hold the Screen Recording icon until a pop-up screen appears.

  8. Click the Microphone icon so it says microphone on below it and the icon turns red.

Modify Your Control Center Options

  1. Click on Settings app.

  2. Click on General in the left column.

  3. Click on the Customize Controls option in the right column.

  4. Click the green plus button next to the controls you would like available in your control center.

Air Drop

  1. Click the share button.

  2. Look for the airdrop icon.

  3. Pick the device you would like to airdrop to and click on it.

Delete an App

Option 1:

  1. Press and hold an app you wish to delete.

  2. When the pop up appears, move your finger to the row that says delete app and remove your finger from the iPad.

  3. Then confirm that you would like to delete the app by pressing delete.

Option 2:

  1. Press and hold an app you wish to delete and then wait until the apps start to shake.

  2. Click the x next to the app you wish to delete and confirm that you want to delete the app by pressing delete.

Group Apps in a Folder

  1. Press and hold an app you wish to place in a folder

  2. While still pressing down, move the app overtop another app you wish to be in the folder.

  3. A new pop up screen will appear and you can let go of the app you are pressing down on.

  4. Rename the folder by click the x on the right side of the title section and typing in the new name.

  5. Then click the home button on your iPad to get the apps to stop shaking.

  6. Click the home button again to get back to the app screen.

iPad Accessibility- Spoken Content

How to Airdrop

Click the airdrop icon to learn how set up and use airdrop