Use the resources below to get you started in protecting yourself and students against cybersecurity attacks. 

 Cybersecurity Training 

Did you miss our in-person cybersecurity Training? Here is it is in video format. 👉 If you have any questions after viewing, feel free to reach out for additional training or for us to answer any questions. 

How to recognize a legitimate email from the Jackson Intermediate School District and the JCISD technology consortium(JCISD). 👇

JCISD emails

Cybersecurity for Educators - How to Become a Human Firewall

Learn how to protect yourself and students better by becoming a human firewall. These FREE courses cover what every school employee should know about cybersecurity, both personally as well as in the classroom.


What is PII? 

PII is Personally Identifiable Information. Are you keeping your PII safe? Watch to see what you should and should not share online.