2-Step Authentication
2-Step Verification for Google Account
2-Step Verification For Google Accounts - Step-by-step guide to help you set up 2-step verification.
Note: If you are trying to set up the 2-step verification for a Google account on a mobile Apple device (iPhone, iPad, etc.) and have your text set to large you will need to change it to the normal size to complete this process. You may then switch it back to large when you are finished. How to change the font on a mobile Apple device.
Google Authenticator App
Google Authenticator is a free security to protect your accounts against password theft.
Google Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes on your phone.
2-Step Verification provides stronger security for your Google Account by requiring a second step of verification when you sign in. In addition to your password, you’ll also need a code generated by the Google Authenticator app on your phone.
Backup Codes
If you lose your phone or otherwise can't get codes via text, voice call, or Google Authenticator, you can use backup codes to sign in. If you don't have your security key, you can also use these codes to sign in.
You can generate a new set of 10 codes whenever you want. After creating a new set, the old set automatically becomes inactive. See Google's Backcodes page for more information.
Security Keys
A Security Key is a physical device that allows you to employ 2-step/2-factor authentication. There are many different kinds that either plug into a port on your device or work via Bluetooth. Please check with the tech department before making a purchase. At this time we recommend Yubikey, but it's best to check to see our most current recommendation.