Teaching and Learning

A solid teaching and learning framework is essential for universities to achieve their academic goals and to provide students with a high-quality education. A well-designed teaching and learning framework can create a positive learning environment, improve student engagement and motivation, and increase student retention rates. It also enables the university to attract and retain talented faculty members who are committed to delivering innovative and effective teaching methods. Moreover, supporting the teaching and learning environment can provide a consistent and standardized approach to teaching, ensuring that all students receive a consistent level of education regardless of their location or the faculty member teaching the course. By investing in a strong teaching and learning framework, universities can enhance their reputation, improve student outcomes, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Although the best of form of support is making funding available for the staff and faculty, often times budget constraint makes it difficult. This module discusses numerous ways of supporting the teaching and learning experiences on your campus, and what you as an administrator can contribute to— even if you do not have the budgetary discretion.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, the participants will be able to:

The following chart is meant to facilitate the navigation of the entire module. Each level of subpages has been noted in a different hue.

Required Reading

Lombardi, John V. (2013). How Universities Work. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Dickens, Elizabeth, Starting a Center for Teaching and Learning. Academic Leadership and Governance of Higher Education, 

Gillespie, K. H., Robertson, D. L., & Bergquist, W. H. (2010). A guide to faculty development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.