Academic Programs and Curricula – Development and Assessment

Academic courses are a vital part of any educational institution. The quality of these courses may significantly impact the effectiveness of teaching and learning in the institution. Teachers are responsible for ensuring the design and delivery of academic courses to effectively promote understanding and provide students with the skills and knowledge required for success. This process includes matching the curriculum with the learning results, the plan evaluation and learning results, and a meaningful assessment at the planning level. By taking these steps, schools can ensure that their academic courses and meet the needs of students and the standards required for success in the selected field.

This section outlines some ways you could support your faculties and related individuals in creating an effective curriculum and assessment systems.

Learning Objectives


Learning Objective #1 - One Reflection, Two Discussion Questions 

Learning Objective #2 - One Reflection, Three Discussion Questions

Learning Objective #3 - One Reflection, One Discussion Question.