Insight PA is committed to providing comprehensive benefits at affordable rates. Many of our benefits are offered at no cost to employees! See information about all of our benefits in the Benefits Booklet or click on the links below to learn more about each specific plan.
Offered at No Cost to Full-Time Employees:
Health Insurance (Employee-Only Coverage)
Vision Insurance (Employee-Only Coverage)
Dental Insurance (Employee-Only Coverage)
Some Employee Contribution Required:
Health Insurance (Coverage with Dependents)
Vision Insurance (Coverage with Dependents)
Dental Insurance (Coverage with Dependents)
Retirement Plan
PSERS (employees hired during 17-18 SY)
403(b) Plan (employees hired in 18-19 SY and later, and PSERS-eligible employees wishing to participate)
Benefit Administrators
Having trouble remembering which company goes with which benefit? Use this list to help:
Independence Blue Cross/Independence Administrators: Health Insurance
MetLife: Dental Insurance
EyeMed/Nippon: Vision Insurance
The Harrison Group: Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)
iSolved Benefit Services: Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
New York Life (formerly Cigna): Life Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability Insurance
PenServ: 403(b) Retirement Plan
Need to make a change to your benefits?
Employees may make a change to their benefits during the following times:
Benefits Open Enrollment - happens in Nov/Dec for a January 1st effective date
After a qualifying life event
Some examples of qualifying life events are:
Getting married or divorced
Having a baby or adopting a child
You or your dependent(s) losing coverage from another plan
See this page for a complete list
If you need to make changes to your benefits, please contact Devyn Espedal (