
Possible Career Paths in Science: Athletic Trainer, Biologist, Botanist, Chemist, Chiropractor, Dental Hygienist, Dentist, Emergency

Medical Technician, Engineer, Environmentalist, Forester/Ranger, Geologist, Medical Technician, Meteorologist, Nurse, Nursery

Worker, Nutritionist, Optometrist, Pharmacist, Physician, Physical Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Teacher Professor, Veterinarian,



Please see your science teacher with specific questions pertaining to your pathway.

Chemistry AND Physics are recommended to all students entering a 4 year school.

Required Science Courses

2031: Introduction to Chemistry (Required)

2041: Introduction to Physics (Required)

Grade Level: 9

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Introduction to Chemistry and Introduction to Physics are lab courses which will cover introductory level physics and chemistry. In the chemistry section, students will study the nature of matter. Topics will include state and classification of matter, atomic structure, periodic table, acids and bases, and chemical reactions. In the physics portion, students will study the various forms of energy and motion. Topics will include light, heat, motion, mechanics, and electricity. The use of problem-solving skills such as observing, classifying, sequencing, measuring, comparing, contrasting, recording data, predicting and hypothesizing will be practiced.

2039: Biology Macro (Required)

Grade Level: 10

Prerequisite: Introduction to Chemistry and Introduction to Physics

Course Description: In this course, students will study ecology (interactions between organisms), cell structure and function, cell transport, the human body systems (nervous, digestive, respiratory and circulatory) and DNA.

2039H: Biology Macro Hybrid (Required)

Grade Level: 10

Prerequisite: Introduction to Chemistry and Introduction to Physics

Course Description: See course description above and Hybrid Learning description on page 5.

2049: Biology Micro (Required)

Grade Level: 10

Prerequisite: Introduction to Chemistry and Introduction to Physics

Course Description: In this course, students will explore protein synthesis (the process of making proteins), genetics (the inheritance of traits), cell division, mitosis and meiosis, microbiology (structure and function of bacteria and viruses) and how organisms have changed over time.

2049H: Biology Micro Hybrid (Required)

Grade Level: 10

Prerequisite: Introduction to Chemistry and Introduction to Physics

Course Description: See course description above and Hybrid Learning description on page 5.

Elective Science Courses

*Note: students must take at least one of the following courses to fulfill high school graduation requirements: Conceptual Chemistry, Chemistry, Conceptual Physics, Physics. Please refer to the Science Courses Flowchart and ask your science teacher about the best course selection related to your postsecondary plans.

2032A: Conceptual Chemistry A

2032B: Conceptual Chemistry B

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Biology

Course Description: Conceptual Chemistry meets the physical science graduation requirement. It is intended for students who will be pursuing a non-science major at the post-secondary level. The course will cover the basic ideas of chemistry (including atomic theory and structure, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, moles and molar masses, solutions and concentrations, organic chemistry and acids/bases). While the class will not be math-free, the focus will be on conceptual understanding, rather than mathematical analysis. Conceptual Chemistry gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through lecture, discussions, experiments, and collaborative learning activities.

2033A: Chemistry A

2033B: Chemistry B

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Intro to Chemistry, Intro to Physics, Algebra II

Course Description: Chemistry is recommended for students who have a strong interest in science, math, and the healthcare field. Students will develop many chemical concepts which are necessary to understand the relationship of science and technology in our modern world. Students will learn the basic concepts underlying the facts, formulas and principles of chemistry. This will enable students to develop critical-thinking skills which are not only useful in chemistry, but in everyday life.

2061A: Conceptual Physics A

2061B: Conceptual Physics B

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Biology

Course Description: Conceptual Physics meets the physical science graduation requirement. This course will cover the basic ideas of physics including motion, forces, energy, waves, electricity and magnetism. While the class will not be math-free, the focus will be on conceptual understanding, rather than mathematical analysis. Conceptual physics gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through lecture, discussions, experiments, and collaborative learning activities.

2042A: Physics A

2042B: Physics B

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Algebra II

Course Description: This course will use a student-driven approach requiring students to develop an experiment, determine the relationship between variables, and use the results to explain the world around them. Topics will include kinematics, projectile motion, Newton’s laws, energy conservation, momentum conservation. Other topics may include sound, light, electrostatics, and circuits. The lab portion will introduce students to common physics lab techniques and equipment such as photogate timers, force sensors and motion detectors. This hands-on course is designed for the technical or college bound student.

2035: Human Anatomy and Physiology

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Chemistry or concurrently with Chemistry

Course Description: Students will study the major structural and functional components of the human body including the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems. Students will spend many days in the lab using microscopes, looking at human bones, completing virtual labs, using models and dissecting. Dissections will include hog hearts, sheep brains, chicken muscles and fetal pigs. This course provides an excellent foundation for students looking to enter the biological sciences and medical fields.

2035H: Human Anatomy and Physiology Hybrid

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Chemistry or concurrently with Chemistry

Course Description: See course description above and Hybrid Learning description on page 5.

2037: Lab Science - Microbiology

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry/Conceptual Chemistry or concurrently with Chemistry/Conceptual Chemistry

Course Description: This class will open up the exciting world of microorganisms, focusing on bacteria. Students will spend the majority of the class in lab growing, identifying and manipulating microorganisms. We will study current topics and outbreaks through our microorganism of the week. In the conclusion of this class, we will demonstrate how bacteria can be manipulated using biotechnology concepts and experiments. This class will be beneficial for students interested in nursing, pre-med, pharmacy, and other medical fields but can be advantageous for anyone who has an interest in microbes.

2037H: Lab Science - Microbiology Hybrid

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry/Conceptual Chemistry or concurrently with Chemistry/Conceptual Chemistry

Course Description: See course description above and Hybrid Learning description on page 5.

2043: Environmental Science

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Introduction to Chemistry and Introduction to Physics

Class Fee: $20.00

Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the cause and effect relationship that people have with their environment. Through research projects, living-laboratory investigations and environmentally themed discussions students will learn about the complex ecological world they live in. Topics to be explored include pollution and recycling, waste management, stream and wetland ecology, air and water pollution, population dynamics, ecosystem relationships. The purpose of this course is to help students understand the impact they have on their environment and what scientists are predicting for the future of the planet. Class fee is to cover transportation to off campus field sites.

2044: Fish and Wildlife Management

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: None

Class Fee: $28.00

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide a foundation of wildlife and fishery management in the U.S. in the past, present and future. The course will cover a variety of management techniques, as well as many species of fish and wildlife. This course is based on student activities and participation. Time will be dedicated to activities both in and out of school. We will also explore the roles hunting and fishing play in management. There will be a $28.00 course fee for transportation to various off-campus field sites.

College-Level Science Courses

2062: College Biology 100

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Seniors must rank in the top 50% of their class or achieve a composite ACT score of 21 or higher or maintain at or above the 3.0 GPA. Juniors must rank in the top 33% of their class or achieve a composite ACT score of 24 or higher or maintain at or above the 3.33 GPA. Completion or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry is recommended.

Credits: Successful completion of this course will result in 4 college credits from Minnesota State University Mankato (MSU Biology 100) and 1 NPHS science credits.

Course Description: This is a concurrent enrollment course through Minnesota State University-Mankato that allows high school students to earn college credit. This introductory course is designed for both science and non-science majors. Biology 100 focuses on basic biological principles with special emphasis on the human species. Includes scientific problem solving, biodiversity, human and social aspects of biology, ecology, cellular processes and organ function, human reproduction, prenatal development, and heredity. Lecture, laboratory, and small group discussions.

2065: College Chemistry I

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Chemistry (may bypass if 3.5 GPA in math and science or 10% on standardized test). Students taking this class must have a 3.0 GPA and junior be in the top 33% of their class. Senior students must be in the top 50% of their class. (Class rank can be replaced by scoring in the 70th percentile for juniors or 50th percentile for seniors on the PLAN, ACT, SAT, PSAT or ITED.)

Credits: Upon successful completion of this course, students will earn 4 Southwest Minnesota State University College Chemistry I credits (3 class credits and 1 lab credit) and 2 NPHS Science credits. This course is 2 periods long.

Course Description: College Chemistry I is typically the first college course in chemistry for students majoring in a science. Topics include chemical and physical properties of matter, atomic, and molecular structure, bonding, chemical notion, inorganic nomenclature, stoichiometry, and periodic laws.

2050: College Chemistry II

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: College Chemistry I

Credits: Upon successful completion of this course, students will earn 5 Southwest Minnesota State University College Chemistry II credits (3 class credits and 2 lab credits) and 2 NPHS Science credits. This course is two periods long.

Course Description: College Chemistry II is the continuation of College Chemistry I. Topics include molecular bonding and shapes, equilibrium, kinetics, and acid/base chemistry. Descriptive inorganic chemistry is emphasized. Laboratory work includes experiments related to the lecture material including qualitative inorganic analysis.

2060A: College in the Schools (CIS) Physics A

2060B: College in the Schools (CIS) Physics B

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Students must have earned a B or better in ALL previous math classes through Pre-Calculus.

Credits: Successful completion of this course will earn 4 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities credits in Physics 1101W and 2 NPHS Science credits. College credits are useful for general education and writing requirements.

Course Description: This course will provide students with the opportunity to learn fundamental physics principles and complex problem solving skills in context of the everyday world. This course will study kinematics and dynamics principles as well as quantitative/ qualitative problem solving techniques to understand natural phenomena. The math is more rigorous than physics and there is a heightened focus on lab reports.