Sphero Mini

Sphero Mini Maze Trap

AHHHHHHHH - The sphero mini is trapped inside of an ever changing maze. Your goal is to help Sphero get out. However, once the sphero is inside the maze you can no longer send signals to it so it must be totally autonomous.

Getting Started with Sphero

You'll find the Sphero robot and the iPad on my desk. Please make sure to put them back at the end of each period. To turn on Sphero, hold him in one hand and hit him with your other hand twice. You'll know he's on when he lights up.

You'll be using one of two apps with Sphero, Lightning Lab or OrbBasic. Most likely you will start with Lighting Lab. When you first open Lighting Lab, click on the Programming Tutorial.

As you are exploring the programs, it's important to remember to recalibrate your Sphero any time you pick him up off the ground. You'll see the Aiming Ring icon in every app. Click this ring and then swing the blue light on Sphero so that he is facing you. This will ensure that your programming works the same way every time. If you don't recalibrate, Sphero will get confused about which direction is which.

Outcomes (100 points)

  • Show Mr. Moulton that it can navigate 3 different mazes created by Mr. Moulton

  • Create a 45 (+/- 5 seconds) second video explanation

- How did your code work?

- What went wrong/right?

- What was your strategy for getting it through the maze?