Course Syllabus

8th Grade STEAM Academy

This class is going to be entirely different from anything you have ever done before in an educational setting. You are going to have an enormous amount of freedom and with that comes personal responsibility. Throughout this year you are going to have the opportunity to explore new and upcoming technologies and find the things that make you excited.


As we pivot back into full in person learning we are going to have to change the class and it's structure quite a bit. I am going to be attempting to give you a taste of what this class normally is. Your goal for the rest of the semester is to accrue a total of 500 points in projects. You already have some of those points earned or in progress with your first At-Home Project , and your Podcast. The rest of points are up to you.

Project Grade

Throughout the semester you must complete 3 at-home projects that will account for 50% of your grade. The other 50% of your grade will be our in class work.

Participation and Organization

As part of this class you are going to realize that there are a lot of other students working on things at the same time as you. Your goal is to be conscientious to them and ensure that you are being a good team member as well as a good member of the class. You are going to be expected to work during the class period and act appropriately. You are also expected to be on task. Secondly you need to be respectful to both the space and other students that are in that space. This means cleaning up after yourself, putting away your project in the appropriate place