
In this preset project you will learn to 3D design an object using computer code. TinkerCad has a seperate way to design called Codeblocks. Using this method you can create objects, rotate them, copy them and so much more. Log in to TinkerCad and on the left side instead of using the 3D Design section, click on Codeblocks. Create new Codeblock and start creating.

Complete the 3 starter activities and then start creating your own!

Once you have completed the three activities create something unique from the code that you write. It must be an item that you design and code. You must screenshot your code and your design and include bot on your website when you turn it in. It cannot be any of the objects or be derived from any of the objects that are already build on the Codeblocks Starter Designs.

Project outcomes:

  • 15 points - completing the three starter activities

  • 20 points - screenshot of your code

  • 20 points - screenshot of your design

  • 30 points - creativity and originality

  • 15 points - reflection