Friday 10th May 2024

Maundene Weekly


Dear Parents/Carers,

Monday was a bank holiday and we hope you all enjoyed the extra long weekend despite the rain! 

On Tuesday, the day started with the Year 5 teachers leading our weekly singing assembly - this is a great way to expose the children to a range of musical genres and to also hear the children filling the school with their uplifting singing. 

Wednesday morning started with our celebration assembly recognising all the amazing achievements throughout the school - a big well done to everyone who received a certificate this week. Year 6 continued to practise their reading skills using the game show 'Traitors' where a traitor was selected and they had to sabotage their team when answering questions. Did each team reveal the traitor? Year 3 enjoyed experimenting with charcoal and india ink in art to create their own value scales. The children listened so well to ensure they were successful in their outcomes and we look forward to seeing some of the finished pieces on display at the end of the term. 

On Thursday, Year 6 made the most of the sunny weather and took their SPAG work outside to work on. Great perseverance and dedication was displayed by all - well done Year 6! Year 1 have been using their sentence stems to share their options with their parents. They were asked, 'Is there more than one way to split a chocolate bar into quarters?'. Year R enjoyed the outdoor provision where they have been exploring water play, making and measuring snakes with play dough and using card strips to make paper snakes. So much fun outside! Year 2 had fun using clay in their art lesson to make their olympic sculptures and we look forward to seeing the final pieces at the end of the term. 

On Friday, Swans Class showcased all their learning for the term during their assembly and it was lovely to see how much had already been covered in such a short amount of time. Thank you to all the parents and carers that came to watch it.  Year 3 loved experimenting with charcoal and ink during art and practised using different sketching techniques with the charcoal. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.  

Miss Capes, Mrs Jackson and the Maundene Team



Congratulations to Noah in Owls Class who recently received his purple belt in kickboxing! Noah is the highest in his class and he is now close to getting his black belt. Very well done!   


Well done to Mabel in Woodpeckers Class who was the star of the week in her swimming group! Excellent work!  


Very well done to Esmarie in Blackbirds Class who recently achieved 5th Place at the Kent County Novice Gymnastics Competition. Esmarie scored so high she has now qualified to Intermediate stage. Brilliant achievement!   


Well done to Jake from Ravens Class for achieving his red belt in Karate! He was very proud and rightly so! Very well done!  


Bailie in Blackbirds Class was awarded man of the match this week for football! Great job Bailie!


Well done to Lacey in Falcons Class who has achieved her level 6 in trampolining. She is now working towards her level 7! Well done Lacey!  

Star of the Week

A huge WELL DONE to all children who achieved Star of the Week. Maundene are proud of you! 


Doves - Maiya J

Kingfishers - Emma B

Year 1

Finches - Zoe M 

Kestrels - Sophia-Rose U

Year 2 

Blackbirds - Maddison B

Robins - Joshua M 

Year 3

Falcons - Lenny L

Woodpeckers - Phoebe N

Year 4

Ravens - Lenny B

Owls - Jayden S 

Year 5

Swans - Jessica P 

Jays - Amber W

Year 6

Ospreys -  Lexi W

Eagles - Scarlett A 

Key Messages

PE Kit Reminder 

All children are expected to attend school in uniform. 
Please ensure your child is sent in wearing the following for PE -

Silver Trauma Award 

Really pleased to announce that Maundene has been awarded the Silver Award for our Trauma Informed practice across the school - great teamwork from the whole community to ensure inclusion for all. 

FUDGE Lunches 

Bring your FUDGE to Lunch Day!
We are pleased to announce that we are bringing back ‘Bring your Father, Uncle, Dad, Grandad, Everyone’ to lunch day this year!
This will be a chance to sit and enjoy a school lunch with your child – this is strictly one adult per child only due to capacity in the dinner hall.
Year R: Monday 10th June – 11.30amYear 1: Tuesday 11th June – 11.30amYear 2: Wednesday 12th June – 11.30amYear 3: Thursday 13th June – 12.30pmYear 4: Monday 17th June – 12.30pmYear 5: Tuesday 18th June – 12.30pmYear 6: Wednesday 19th June – 12.30pm
The cost is £2.53 and places MUST BE BOOKED AND PAID FOR IN ADVANCE via Arbor – we may refuse entry if you have not pre-booked. For those with children in KS2, if you would like to purchase a drink, please bring 80p on the day to pay for this.

PTA Events 

Key dates

Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th MayYear 6 SATs Week 
Thursday 16th MayYear R - Creepy Claws Visit 
Friday 17th MayFinches Class Assembly - 9am Year 4 Reading with your Child - 2:50pmYear 6 SATs Fun Day 
Thursday 23rd MayYear 3 Learning Exhibition - 2.45pm (Both classes) PTA Colour Run Day 1 - Year R, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4
Friday 24th MayFalcons Class Assembly - 9am PTA Colour Run Day 2 - Year 3, Year 5, Year 6 Last day of Term 5
Monday 27th MayNational Bank Holiday 
Monday 3rd JuneFirst day of Term 6
Friday 7th JuneYear 4 Roman Day Year 2 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Monday 10th JuneYear R FUDGE Lunch - 11.30am 
Tuesday 11th JuneYear 1 FUDGE Lunch - 11.30am 
Wednesday 12th JuneYear 2 FUDGE Lunch - 11.30am 
Thursday 13th JuneYear 3 FUDGE Lunch - 12.30pm
Friday 14th JuneINSET Day - School closed to pupils 
Monday 17th JuneYear 4 FUDGE Lunch - 12.30pm 
Tuesday 18th JuneYear 5 FUDGE Lunch - 12.30pm 
Wednesday 19th JuneYear 6 FUDGE Lunch - 12.30pm 
Friday 21st JuneYear 3 Learning with your Child (Reading Focus) - 9am Year 1 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Saturday 22nd JunePTA Summer Fair - 1-4pm  
Tuesday 25th June9.15am - 11am - KS2 Sports Day - Provisional and will be confirmed 1.45pm - 3pm - Year R and KS1 Sports Day - Provisional and will be confirmed 
Friday 28th JuneRavens Class Assembly - 9am Year 3 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Thursday 4th JulyYear 6 transition days to secondary schools - Provisional and will be confirmed 
Friday 5th JulyKingfishers Class Assembly - 9am Year 1 Trip to Wingham Wildlife Park 
Wednesday 10th JulyYear 6 Play to parents 1.45pm and 5pm 
Thursday 11th JulyDoves Class Assembly - 9am Year 2 Learning Exhibition - 2.45pm (Both classes) 
Friday 12th July
End of Year reports out to parents Year 6 Prom - 6pm to 8pm 
Tuesday 16th JulyPTA Family picnic 2.30pm to 4pm 
Wednesday 17th JulyHeadteachers Awards 
Friday 19th JulyYear 6 Leavers Assembly - Parents welcome - 9am Last day of Term 6


Our whole school attendance this week is


Doves - 98%

Kingfishers - 96%

Finches - 89%

Kestrels - 96%

Blackbirds - 98%

Robins - 97%

Falcons - 96%

Woodpeckers - 94%

Owls - 99%

Ravens - 99%

Jays - 99%

Swans - 97% 

Eagles - 94%

Ospreys - 96%


Doves - Maiya J 

Robins - Ethan

Owls - Maya B

Swans - Jessica P 

Social Media Links

Maundene Website




Collaboration matters   Excellence in everything   Community first   Equity for everyone   Continuous growth