Friday 8th March 2024

Maundene Weekly


Dear Parents/Carers,

On Monday, there seemed to be lots of PE activities happening and with the drier weather it was good to see some of these lessons happening outside. Year 6 continued to develop their knowledge of badminton [and used their newly gained skills in a game of connect 4. Year 5 have been enjoying their hockey lessons and have been working on controlling the ball and scoring a goal. Year R children enjoyed eating their lunch for MANGO day - thank yiou for taking the time to join them and we hope you enjoyed the lunch too! 

On Tuesday, Year 1 children enjoyed eating their lunch for MANGO day - thank you for taking the time to join them and we hope yiou enjoyed the lunch too! Year 4 continued to develop and embed their use of Kagan strategies in RE by using 'Give one, get one' whilst sharing facts about Sikhism. 

The morning on Wednesday commenced with our celebration assembly - well done to all our Stars of the Week! Year 1 also had a toy workshop where they were busy gluing, colouring and sanding to make their own toy. All children were so engaged and it was lovely to see them taking their toy goodie bag home with them - we hope you enjoyed looking at the toys with your children! Year 4 spent time editing their writing in English and they were given different stations and scaffolds to support. They focussed on different aspects of their writing at each station and used these to improve what they had already written. Year 2 children enjoyed eating their lunch for MANGO day with their adults - thank you for taking the time to join them and we hope you enjoyed the lunch too! The day ended with the staff attending a joint staff meeting with Delce and Elaine Primary schools sharing best practice in English and reading books. 

On Thursday it was an exciting day for the whole school for World Book Day! It was lovely to see all the pyjamas and book costumes as the children entered school. KMTV visited us and chatted to the pupils about books and the activities they had been completing throughout the day.

Mrs O'Connor will judge the book plates next week and winners will be announced shortly - watch this space! Year 3 children enjoyed eating their lunch for MANGO day - thank you for taking the time to join them and we hope you enjoyed the lunch too! 

Year 1 had their Learning exhibition on Friday afternoon and as always we loved that so many parents attended to look at books and talk to the children about their learning from the term. The children all enjoy seeing you and are proud of their learning

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday. 

Miss Capes, Mrs Jackson and the Maundene Team


Thank you and Well done!

Well done to our amazing kitchen staff, Stacey, Michelle, Karen and Nicole for being recognised by an external visitor recently for knowing our children so well! Our visitor, Marc Rowlands, was amazed because they knew every child's names and food preferences! They are an absolute credit to Maundene and we are so lucky to have them - thank you for your hard work and dedication. Chartwells celebrated this recognition by presenting the ladies with flowers and a well done message. 

Dancing Star!

Congratulations to Mia in Blackbirds class for being awarded a medal for Dance! 

Dance Show! 

Esme, Amelia, Phoebe and Khyla, from Robins class, enjoyed telling us all about their dance show this weekend! Well done girls! 

Star of the Week

A huge WELL DONE to all children who achieved Star of the Week. Maundene are proud of you! 


Doves - Amarachi E

Kingfishers - Addie H

Year 1

Finches - Max M 

Kestrels - Freddie F

Year 2 

Blackbirds - Carvela R

Robins - Frazer H 

Year 3

Falcons - Gabriella M

Woodpeckers - Ryan L 

Year 4

Ravens - Jake F 

Owls - Thomas D

Year 5

Swans - Darcie M 

Jays - Scott A 

Year 6

Ospreys - Oliver L 

Eagles - Logan M 

Key Messages

Baby Arrives! 

Congratulations to Mrs Jackson on the safe arrival of her baby girl, Harper Ivy! Harper weighed 7lbs 5oz and mum and baby are home and doing well. Enjoy every moment with the new bundle of joy Mrs Jackson and family! 

MANGO Lunches

Bring your MANGO to Lunch Day!
We are pleased to announce that we are bringing back ‘Bring your Mother, Aunt, Nan, Gran, Other’ to lunch day this year!
This will be a chance to sit and enjoy a school lunch with your child – this is strictly one adult per child only due to capacity in the dinner hall.
Year 4: Monday 11th March – 12.30pmYear 5: Tuesday 12th March – 12.30pmYear 6: Wednesday 13th March – 12.30pm
The cost is £2.53 and places MUST BE BOOKED AND PAID FOR IN ADVANCE via Arbor – we may refuse entry if you have not pre-booked. If you would like to purchase a drink, please bring 80p on the day to pay for this.

Small Steps Coffee Mornings

Small Steps coffee mornings are a great place to get help and advice for your children’s SEND needs from parents of children who have additional needs. Here are the venues, dates and times if anybody wishes to attend them!

PTA Spring Events 

Key dates

Monday 11th MarchYear 4 MANGO Lunch - 12.30pm
Tuesday 12th MarchYear 3 Pizza making Year 5 MANGO Lunch - 12.30pm
Wednesday 13th MarchYear 6 MANGO Lunch - 12.30pm
Thursday 14th MarchYear 6 Learning with your Child (Reading and writing Focus) - 9am 
Friday 15th March Robins Class Assembly - 9am 
Tuesday 19th MarchParent's Evening 
Wednesday 20th MarchParent's Evening 
Thursday 21st MarchYear R Trip to Little Street 
Friday 22nd MarchJays Class Assembly - 9am Year 6 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Wednesday 27th MarchHeadteachers Awards 
Thursday 28th MarchYear 4 Learning Exhibition - 2.45pm (Both classesPTA Easter Hunt PTA Easter Raffle Last day of Term 4 
Monday 15th AprilFirst day of Term 5 
Friday 19th April Year 5 Learning with your Child (Reading Focus) - 9am 
Friday 26th April Year 4 Learning with your Child (Writing Focus) - 9am 
Thursday 2nd MayYear R Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Friday 3rd MayBlackbirds Class Assembly - 9am 
Monday 6th MayNational Bank Holiday 
Friday 10th May Swans Class Assembly - 9am 
Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May Year 6 SATs Week 
Friday 17th MayFinches Class Assembly - 9am Year 4 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Thursday 23rd May Year 3 Learning Exhibition - 2.45pm (Both classes) 
Friday 24th May Falcons Class Assembly - 9am Last day of Term 5
Monday 3rd June First day of Term 6
Friday 7th JuneYear 2 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Friday 14th JuneINSET Day - School closed to pupils 
Friday 21st June Year 3 Learning with your Child (Reading Focus) - 9am Year 1 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Tuesday 25th June 9.15am - 11am - KS2 Sports Day - Provisional and will be confirmed 1.45pm - 3pm - Year R and KS1 Sports Day - Provisional and will be confirmed 
Friday 28th JuneRavens Class Assembly - 9am Year 3 Reading with your Child - 2:50pm
Thursday 4th July Year 6 transition days to secondary schools - Provisional and will be confirmed 
Friday 5th July Kingfishers Class Assembly - 9am 
Wednesday 10th JulyYear 6 Play to parents 1.45pm and 5pm 
Thursday 11th JulyYear 2 Learning Exhibition - 2.45pm (Both classes) 
Friday 12th July Doves Class Assembly - 9am End of Year reports out to parents Year 6 Prom - 6pm to 8pm 
Tuesday 16th July PTA Family picnic 2.30pm to 4pm 
Wednesday 17th JulyHeadteachers Awards 
Friday 19th JulyYear 6 Leavers Assembly - Parents welcome - 9am Last day of Term 6


Our whole school attendance this week is


Doves - 93%

Kingfishers - 85%

Finches - 91%

Kestrels - 96%

Blackbirds - 96%

Robins - 96%

Falcons - 97%

Woodpeckers - 93%

Owls - 97%

Ravens - 95

Jays - 93%

Swans - 95% 

Eagles - 99%

Ospreys - 96%


Doves - Tyler S 

Kingfishers - Arnold M

Jays - Amber W 

Ospreys - Amber M, Keya H

Social Media Links

Maundene Website




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