Global issues: 

World conflicts and current affairs 

Call to action!


A global issue is an issue that adversely affects the global community and environment, such as humanitarian crisis, environmental issues, political crisis, social issues and economic crisis. Global issues range in severity from minor issues to global catastrophic risks that threaten the existence of the entire human race or its society.

Solution to global issues generally require cooperation among nations. However, you, as young and global citizens, can do your bit to help and contribute to inspire young people to take an active part in society. 

Will you be able to think how raise awareness about current world conflicts and affairs and call to action?

Dear students,

In this term, in Social Science, we are talking about Imperialism and Decolonisation and we are analysing several present world conflicts. All of them have common causes and characteristics as you have seen. 

Now it's time to choose one and explain to the world what happens!!!!!

Among your ideas, all the 4th grade students will vote the best and we will organize an awareness day for the whole school. Do you dare? What do you think about this?

How? below you are going to see the way you'll work... 

But before, remember what we have worked...

Activitat d’introducció:

-Són imatges de la ciutat d'Aleph abans i després de la Guerra:

Activitat d’estructuració: 

Historia de Síria en 10 minutos:

-My friend (els camps de refugiats):


In group you will have to:

Create an infographics for a humanitarian campaign which includes:

    - reliable information on a specific conflict or current affair and source citation.

    - discursive traits to raise awareness on the topic and persuade young people to take action.

    - visual and textual elements to enhance the purpose of your campaign. 

    - include in your infographics the references and sources you have used to create your final product.

Before we start, let's analyse some videos used for humanitarian campaigns:

   - Who were the following videos created by?

   - What visual and textual strategies are used to create an attractive message?

   - What written and oral elements are used to create the audiovisual  narration? 

Let's start

Do research

In groups or individually:

Where you can find all this information? How?

Some current conflicts

In groups, you must choose one world conflict. 

Remember the exercices you have worked in English and Social class about the past and present of refugees. 

If you want, you can use these resources too:

Or if you want, you can search directly one we have talked in class.

Rohingya Crisis


Syria conflict

Darfur conflict

Yemen conflict

3rd step: take action! 

What can we do for this conflict? 


Let's show what you have done to the rest!

Let’s show what you have done to the rest! 

We will choose the best!

Copia de Criminal Violence in

 Eva Guerrero, Bea Maldonado, Queralt Vaca, Estrella Vidal (4A)

Núria Armada, Laura Clapé, Ainhoa Garrido i Irene Rojo (4A)


Anna Escalona, Ainoa Astorga, Toni Delgado and Mireia Sánchez (4B)


Gerard Chico and Ainoa Fernández (4B)


És la que teniu al classroom.

Autoavaluació i coavaluació