You may have reached this site because:

  • You currently are not a paid IGEL member, and you wish to (1) renew your IGEL membership or (2) take out an IGEL membership for the first time; and

  • You wish to renew or take out membership for 2021 or for 2021-2022.

Note that you may either submit your membership fees by using PayPal (on this page) or by arranging for an electronic transfer of funds.

To become a new member or to renew your membership, the following membership fees apply:

      • ONE YEAR: €70 for regular members (professors, researchers, members of institutions); €50 for discount members (students, retirees, and others without regular income )

      • TWO YEARS: €120 for regular members (professors, researchers, members of institutions); €80 for discount members (students, retirees, and others without regular income )

Please choose one of these two forms of payment:

Option #1: Membership fees can be paid by money transfer to the IGEL bank account:

    • Account holder: International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature

    • IBAN: NL53 TRIO 0390 9278 05


Option #2: Membership fees also can be paid using your credit card:

IGEL Membership

The Society has adjusted its membership policy to improve the balance between costs and income (especially in off-conference years). The annual fees now are €70 for regular members (professors, researchers, members of institutions) and €50 for discount members (students). It is also possible to obtain a two-year membership at a lower annual rate. The two-year fees are €120 for regular members and €80 for discount members.

Here are several reasons to become a member:

  • As a member, you will automatically receive the Society´s journal, Scientific Study of Literature (SSOL), which publishes two issues every year. (This year the journal will publish a special issue on "literariness.")

  • Membership provides you with discounted registration at IGEL's biennial conferences. (Next year's conference will take place in Liverpool, UK)

  • Members are entitled (and encouraged) to participate in the Society’s governance. Both the regular business meeting and the elections of members of the Governing Board are coordinated with the biennial conferences.

  • The Society maintains an email list that includes all of its members. Membership enables you to use this list to connect with active scholars and researchers, as well as to forward calls for papers, post announcements, etc., within the IGEL community.

  • The Society organizes training schools and workshops designed to develop the knowledge and skills required for empirical studies--and ensure that empirical studies have strong theoretical grounding. This is a unique opportunity, especially for early career researchers, to strengthen their investigative efforts!