This symposium was held at MacEwan University, in downtown Edmonton, Canada, July 2-5, 2019. The symposium (affiliated with IGEL) aimed at exploring and promoting reconciliation by connecting Canadian Indigenous scholars with international scholars concerned with the effects of reading literature, writing poetry, storytelling, and watching film on mental well-being and resilience. It involved scholarly presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and a poster presentation session.

The Society held its biennial conference in Stavanger, Norway (July 25-28, 2018) at the Norwegian Reading Centre, University of Stavanger.

Paris Conference, October 2017

Massimo Salgaro (Universita di Verona) and Paul Sopčák (MacEwan University), in collaboration with the Paris Institute of Advanced Study (IEA) and IGEL, organized a conference that was held in Paris at the Hôtel de Lauzun (October 11-13, 2017) on the topic “What is Literariness?”

Conference in Paris, October 11-14, 2017