IGEL Governance

The IGEL Governing Board is renewed in an election that is coordinated with the business meeting at the Society's biennial conference. The IGEL Bylaws describing this and related Society procedures are available for review.

Regular Board Activities

The biennial international conferences are organized by the elected Vice-President in close association with other members of the IGEL Governing Board. At these conferences, all disciplines represented within the Society are also represented on the program. In addition, the Board organizes "off-year" conferences on selected research topics (e.g., literary reading and empathy [2015], conceptions of literariness [2017], how cultural forms support reconciliation [2019]).

The Raven Contemplating Edgar Allan Poe (Anonymous)

The Society's Journal

The Society sponsors the journal Scientific Study of Literature (SSOL). The Board receives an annual report about journal activities by a standing committee (the Publications Committee).

Recent Board Activities

The Society attempts to to facilitate communication and collaboration among members who share interests in specific research topics (e.g., literary reading and mental well-being, computational stylistics) These efforts to identify Research Coalitions are an emerging part of Board activities.