Students' work

1º ESO students made some posters to explain world climates

My body, my clothes, my rules!

1º ESO students created a mural to promote different types of beauty, diversity and difference.

Preparing the bilingual gymkhana for our 4 ESO students. Ready to find informaton about female historical figures.

1 ESO students have created some timelines in English class to make important historical figures visible. Come have a look!

Our 1 ESO students are studying atmosphere layers in social science class and they are doing it in a very creative way!

This month we are celebrating difference and our 1 ESO students are making posters to promote respect for all those who are different one way or another. Come to the main hall and you will see posters in English, French and Portuguese!

The tree of languages is ready! Go to the second floor and find out where Spanish and many other languages come from!

Arístides Rosco, bilingual art teacher, and her 1ESO students are true artists!

Brochures made by 3 ESO students about globalisation and technology for the Science fair.

Frankenstein turns 200 years old!

Our 1 and 2 ESO students created a mural to celebrate Frankenstein's 200 anniversary. In English class, we spoke about Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein and the creature.

Film reviews

In Oral English class, our students are learning how to review a film, book or TV series. They are learning specific vocabulary, expressions and linkers and naturally, they are learning how to prepare oral presentations and how to work with other students.

International Women's Day

Céline Camerlynck and her students prepared a flashmob for International Women's day to the rhythm of the song "Aint your mamma", by Jennifer López.

Our marketing and business students prepared an exhibition about the evolution of society and our perception of female identity. They analysed ads from the past and discussed how sexist language and images were accepted before. We no longer accept those images and nowadays they strike us as backward and old-fashioned


Eva Flores (Civics and Citizenship teacher) and her 3 ESO students made a timeline with the evolution of human rights throughout history. They researched the evolution of human rights both in the world and in Spain and also woman rights.

Timeline explaining women rights both in English and Spanish

Human rights and religions around the world


Our first year students are learning about Rome in their bilingual history class. They are preparing an exhibition about Roman art in Art class. Looking forward to it.

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day students in 1º ESO C studied the history of St Valentine and Emperor Claudius II. It all started in Rome, as we have seen in our Integrated Unit this term. They also found some statistics, percentages and funny facts about February 14th.

Our Students in Commercial Activities saw with their bilingual teacher, Julia López, how sales increase on Valentine's Day and the techniques used to attract customers and boost sales.

Then, after watching a video and talking about how Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world they took part in a gift wrapping and packaging workshop.

Peace day

In art class our students analized how colour can be used in art and the different meanings they can have. For the School Day of Non Violence and Peace they saw some examples in the Berlin Wall.

Our students in 1 ESO are decorating our halls and explaining what peacemakers do and how they behave so that we learn how to build a better world.

Social Science activities

Students in 1 ESO made some posters about Egypt and Mesopotamia and wrote their names in Egyptian and Hieratic writing. This way we encourage our students to explore all languages.

Christmas campaign!

We are carrying out a campaign to raise awareness of the artificial link between shopping and Christmas. Christmas isn't about money or presents, it's about family, love and being together. Our students are decorating their doors with messages against consumerism to help us remember the true Christmas values. The class with the best classroom door will get a prize!

Which is your favourite door?

Students in 1º ESO took part in an arts and crafts workshop with instructions in English. Then, they played Secret Santa to learn about generosity, giving and sharing.

Our 3ESO students are also taking part in our campaign against consumerism and they made a pyramid to explain how to give your friends and family #christmaspresents without #spendingmoney

Our Sales management and marketing students wish us a merry christmas !!


Our first-year bilingual students in Commercial Activities prepared some presentations to show us the importance that Black Friday is getting in our economy.

They analyzed how Thanksgiving Day has turned into a commercial day. Nowadays, this day is considered as the beginning of the holiday shopping season.

After presenting their projects analysing both certain stores in Málaga and international websites, they discussed the most important aspects of this new shopping trend and how the commercial sector can take advantage of it.

It was a very inspiring activity for both teachers and students.

Julia López Huertas

Today we are celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and we read a manifesto both in English and Spanish to give students dome food for thought!

The students who read the manifesto.


Our students in 3 ESO made some posters and leaflets as part of a campaign to raise awareness of this issue. They included some graphics, charts, statistics, drawings and false myths to help everyone understand violence against women is unacceptable.


Designs created by María José Barbero's 2 ESO students in Art class for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Sticker Contest to raise awareness among students of this terrible problem.

Look at the stairs! They have a message!


Eva Flores and her students in 3º ESO made some comics about how important cooperation is in order to achieve a goal.

Civics is part of our bilingual project and therefore this is a sample of the activities that our students do in class to promote language learning while reflecting on social issues and values.

It's Halloween! The school hall looks different today!

Jack-o-lanterns and scary dishes everywhere!

Horror stories written by our students in 3º and 4º ESO and Bachillerato.

Our English teachers didn't go unnoticed!

Some of the Jack-o -lanterns our students in 1º ESO brought to school today.

Students in 2º ESO prepared some horror recipes and made a poster explaining the ingredients they used and how they made the dish.

Our students from 3º ESO made a Tree of Life for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17th October). In the tree you can see the lack of equality in wealth distribution and the factors that broaden the gap between rich and poor countries. We have to thank their Civics teacher, Eva Flores, for her assistance.

For the International day for the Eradication of Poverty our Commerce and Marketing students made a mural about Maslow's pyramid. They analysed Maslow's hierarchy of needs with their teacher, Julia López.

Our students made some murals analysing how we can help the poor and how they must feel.

Our students from 2º Bach made a video explaining why they study French. We must thank their teacher, José Luis Ruiz Narváez, for his technical assistance :-)

Abril González Sánchez, one of our students from 2º ESO, made a video explaining why she likes English.

Abril made a video to tell us who Ada Lovelace was. Did you know she was the first computer programmer even before computers existed? How cool is that?

Our students from 1º ESO made some posters about Ada Lovelace! Born In London in 1815, she was the daughter of poet Lord Byron. In 1842 she wrote a series of notes on the workings of the Analytical Engine, a proposed clockwork computer. The notes contained the first computer program.

Our pupils are offered the chance to study Portuguese at school and our students from 1º ESO wanted to show us the countries where Portuguese is spoken and a little bit about the history of Portuguese. Well done!!!!

Today our Commercial Activities and Sales Management students prepared an oral presentation about branding and how to translate a brand. We learnt how to pronounce a lot of brands, why Ikea doesn't translate the name of its products and many other things.

Rubén Moya and Rafael Vargas, two students from 1º Bach A, created and awesome infographic to explain the benefits of being bilingual.

We are living in a digital age so Paula Gálvez, Rocío Salas, Alicia Moreno and Cristina Olveira, from 1º Bach A, made an incredible infographic about the benefits of being bilingual. Do you agree with them?

Students from 3 ESO took part in an exhibition about celebrities who speak languages.

Nowadays if you want to make it as a footballer or an actor you'd better start learning languages!

In Art class students from 2 ESO made some flags with greetings in different languages!

Students from 1 ESO held a brainstorming session about why people decide to learn a new language and then they made some posters with the reasons they came up with.

Students from 3 ESO PMAR made some posters for the toilets so now everybody knows how to say "boy" and "girl" in different languages!