Year 2023-2024

September '23

Erasmus+: French Mobility

Our Spanish team has travelled this september to Digne, in France, to continue with our Erasmus+ project. 

This is the fourth mobility within our Erasmus+ project, called "Recycling makes the world go round",  and students have continued working on the importance of recycling as a key element to change our society. 

Our team has made their presentation on the importance of paper recycling and, on a second presentation, they have worked on the influence of pesticides on local nature and reforestation. 

Go to the section Erasmus+ to find out more about this mobility. 



Nuestro coordinador de bilingüismo, Jorge Campos, acudió el pasado 10 de octubre a la Jornada de Acogida de Auxiliares de Conversación. 

En esta jornada, presidida por el Delegado de Educación de Málaga, D. Miguel Briones, y la Coordinadora de Plurilingüismo de Málaga, Doña Raquel Pérez, los auxiliares de conversación de todos los centros de Málaga recibieron información necesaria para su estancia durante el curso 2023-2024. 

Por su parte, nuestro coordinador de bilingüismo fue el encargado de la formación específica de los auxiliares, centrando su ponencia en sus funciones en el aula y cómo trabajar. Para ello, pudo mostrar el proyecto bilingüe del centro como ganadores de las Buenas Prácticas Bilingües de Andalucía en 2022.

Halloween '23                                                                  vampires

As you already know, Halloween is our favourite festivity at IES Valle del Azahar. It gets bigger and bigger every year but this time we have gone completely crazy. 

Last year we travelled to Romania with our Erasmus+ project and we were extremely fascinated with its history and culture. This is why we decided to focus this year's celebration on Vampires, following Bram Stoker's famous book. However, we also wanted to go a bit further and, apart from the traditional image of vampires in literature and the media, we have worked on the idea of emotional vampires in the 21st century and toxic relationships

We've had all kinds of activities and we've enjoyed a really spooky day together. This is just a summary of the thousand activities we ha had which, of course, have used English as the main language:

2. Horror doors contest

3. English writers cemetery (biographies)

4. Horror House experience

5. Play " Energy Vampires" in English (teachers)


6. Play by the students

7. Vampire scenes, drawing contest

November 2023

fitur de las lenguas

Belgium international exchange

Our students have welcomed a group of 15 belgian students and their teachers into our school. 

This second international exchange with Belgium implies a linguistic and cultural immersion in which students will discover Andalusia together and will share some great memories. 

They will have a typical andalusian day at the school and will discover its wonders, visiting places like "El Caminito del Rey", or "La Alhambra". 


Our students in 1º ESO have learnt about this american tradition in some of our bilingual classes. First, our language assistants have made some presentations on the history of Thanksgiving and the traditions it implies (food, parade, Black Friday, etc...). After that, students have designed the feathers of our beautiful turkey saying what they are thankful for. 

December '23

Christmas '23

To start with the Christmas spirit, this year our students have created this beautiful display related to this festivity. They have included all the languages they can find at the school. 

They have also worked on the Christmas workshop to create some beautiful crafts to decorate their homes. 

commercial radio breaks

Our commerce students have been working on the dinamization of their businesses. They have created these commercial breaks to advertise different products on the radio. have a llok and listen to them

Anuncio de Radio Miranda, Alejandro e Itziar.m4a
Nueva grabación 8.m4a

Math project: Eratosthenes 


January '24

1º bach, History project: Christmas Truce

For this project, our students in 1º bach have been researching on the Christmas Truce of WWI, a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front of the First World War around Christmas 1914.  Here you can see some of the presentations they have made. 

Vídeo tregua de navidad
tregua navidad
tregua navidad
tregua navodad maria jose.mp4

Math project: soda cans

Our teachers Ana Karen and Alejandro have created this amazing project for our students to work on divisibility. They have focused on different applied mathematic problems and have worked with soda cans to reorganize them accoding to different given parameters.  

What can i do with the sausages left.pdf

technology: technical drawing mindmaps

reunión general de coordinadores bilingües

Nuestro coordinador, Jorge Campos, ha acudido como ponente a la reunión general de coordinadores bilingües de la provincia de Málaga en el CEP. En esta reunión ha mostrado diferentes aspectos interesantes de nuestro proyecto que nos llevaron a conseguir uno de los premios de buenas prácticas bilingües el curso pasado. 

february '24


Our last mobility within our Easmus+ project has taken place in Barreiro, Portugal. 5 students and two teachers have travelled to meet our partners and work on the recycling process of technological devices. They have learnt how to do it, they have learnt about the preservation of oceans and have given these items a second life by using them as pieces of art.


scavenger hunt in GIBRALTAR

Our students in 4th ESO wnt on a trip to Gibraltar last week with a project developed by the English and History departments. They had the opportunity to visit this british colony and discover first hand some aspects of its culture. For this purpose, they have worked on a scavenger hunt to gather some data related to its history, culture and monuments. 

Gibraltar scavenger hunt-2.pdf


Our students have also worked on our traditional project: Kamishibai. They have built the box called Kamishibai in which they project images that they have created and which accompany a story. They have created their stories related to Halloween and have presented them. Here are some examples of it: 

KAMISHIBAI_ 2ºD_ 1.mp4
KAMISHIBAI_ 2ºD_ 3.mp4
KAMISHIBAI_ 2ºD_ 2.mp4


march 8th: steam women

     El alumnado de 2ºESO ha investigado acerca de mujeres relacionadas con el mundo de la Tecnología para exponer información sobre sus vidas y sus logros profesionales mediante unos pósteres que han creado.

     Esta exposición se ha presentado el día 8 de marzo en el hall del instituto con motivo de la celebración del Día de la Mujer y con ella se quieren destacar perfiles femeninos del ámbito tecnológico.


Easter Eggs Hunt


march 22nd: world water day

En el día 22 de marzo, Día Mundial del Agua, el Departamento de Tecnología ha organizado un taller de “Arte y Reciclaje” en el que el alumnado ha creado pequeñas obras de arte utilizando materiales reciclados, fundamentalmente componentes electrónicos para desechar. Todos los trabajos tienen un tema en común “La importancia del Agua en nuestro planeta”, así se pretende concienciar al alumnado del grave problema de la sequía que estamos sufriendo y de cómo la actividad humana está contaminando nuestros ríos y nuestros mares.

Estas tareas y los productos finales realizados se enmarca dentro del programa CIMA en la línea de Aldea y la asignatura de Tecnología-Bilingüe.