1º ESO

UDI 1                                                       year 2023-2024

Baudelaire's Vampire

Enmarcada en la festividad de Halloween, nuestra unidad didáctica integrada trabajará la figura de los vampiros en la poesía, temática central elegida en nuestro centro para la celebración de esta efeméride. Partiendo del poema El Vampiro de Baudelaire, nuestros alumnos trabajarán de forma creativa e integrada los contenidos específicos de las AL y ANL para terminar con un breakout terrorífico en el que deberán resolver fórmulas matemáticas en inglés para completar las partes perdidas del poema. Para ello, trabajarán contenidos tales como los números y las operaciones básicas, las biografías, la tipografía creativa y la narrativa, además del poema que vertebra nuestra unidad.   

Trabajo específico de cada asignatura: 

Documento de Jorge.pdf
Documento de Jorge.pdf
Documento de Jorge.pdf
Documento de Jorge.pdf
1. Natural Numbers.pptx
Documento de Jorge.pdf



 DIDACTIC UNIT 1         YEAR 2021/2022

History & Art


Our first integrated didactic unit of the year for 1º ESO has dealt with the mexican tradition of the Day of the Dead. Celebrating this day was an excellent oportunity to integrate the contents of our bilingual subjects in 1º ESO so we decided to work together to create a special unit that gathered everything we were working on.

It includes all the elements that the typical mexican altar has (food, flowers, candles, etc...). It was also important to honour the death with pictures of them. This is why our students have also worked on the biographies of different adventurers throughout history to honour them in our altar.

This is the amazing result of our first integrated unit this year. Enjoy!!!


hercules 12 labors

Our second didactic unit of the year was focused on the greek mythology and history. After studying and working on the history of ancient Greece and its importance in our modern world, we decided to focus on mythology and Gods. Students have worked on the myth of Hercules and the 12 labors. 

In Art classes they have represented the 12 labors by using vasels and the technique used in mosaics. After that, they have made a presentation on their pictures to tell other students what the myth of Hercules was all about. 

Video (under construction)

DIDACTIC UNIT 1                                                 YEAR 2020/21 


Our first Integrated Didactic Unit deals with the study of World Biomes. 

Students have analysed the different climates in our planet and the different native tribes that traditionally inhabit those places. 

They have created their video projects to show us all how rich and diverse our planet is. Have a look at the videos below.  

Mi video3.mp4

The Savaanah Biome and  Maasai Tribes

1º ESO-A

Mi video4.mp4

the desert biome and touareg tribes

1º ESO-A


mediterranean forests and the guaraní

1º ESO C


polar landscape and the inuit

1º ESO D


mountain landscape and quechua

1º ESO D

Additionally, in their art classes, students have represented the biomes by designing both a massive map and a globe. In both projects, in cooperation with our program "RECAPACICLA", they have used recycled materials to raise awareness of recycling as a key element to preserve our planet. 

Documento de la Unidad Integrada 1

udi º 1º eso.pdf

DIDACTIC UNIT 2     YEAR 2020/2021


Our second Integrated Didactic Unit has dealt with the mythology of the classical world.  Students have worked on important aspects that put down roots in classical folklore, leading to the general configuration of their own beliefs, traditions and culture and whoch reach until today.  

In history classes we have analysed the Greek mythology in detail. In addition, our language assistant has guided our students through different stories such as the creation of the universe, important events like the Trojan War or classical tales like those of Hercules

Ancient Greek Creation Myth.pptx
The 12 Labors of Hercules.pptx
The Trojan War.pptx

We have also analysed the history of classical deities and compared them to those in Rome after the process of Romanization. Students have chosen their favourite deity according to their features and have presented them in class. 

Finally, in art classes, students have recreated the classical world through pottery. They have created pulp plates that depict different scenes from the classical world and have displayed them in our hall. Additionally, they have also created some fine paintings depicting the twelve labours of Hercules. 

As a final complement to the classical world, this time focused on the Roman World, students have practised their writing. They have imagined were visiting Hadrian's wall in the middle of a Roman campaign. They have written their letters to their friends and family describing what was going on at the time and what they could see. We got some amazing writings that can really transport you there: