Year 2022-2023

October '22

Halloween: Edgar Allan Poe and his wives

This year we have devoted Halloween to the author Edgar Allan Poe and his horror works, paying special attention to his wives and the important role they played in his life and works.

Our school hall has been decorated accordingly and lots of projects have sprung from our idea.

Here are some pictures to show you how much fun we had.

Also, our PMAR students have created a "scientists cemetery" with the biographies of different influential scientis. They have displayed it on the school orchard and other students have had the opportunity to visit it. Here's a short video of how it was: 

Cementerio de cientí



Fitur de las Lenguas 

Aunque se celebra el día 26 de septiembre, nuestro centro ha celebrado el Día Europeo de las Lenguas en Noviembre, haciéndolo coincidir con la llegada de los alumnos belgas de intercambio. De este modo todos podríamos aprender de primera mano características de cada país y su lengua. 

Este día especial pretendía ensalzar el carácter internacional de nuestro centro y dar un espacio a nuestros alumnos originarios de otros países. Por eso, ellos mismos se encargaron de crear un stand centrado en su propio país. En cada stand explicarían características del país, una comida típica, una persona relevante para su sociedad y, lo más importante, enseñarían a los demás alumnos diferentes expresiones en su propia lengua materna.

De igual modo, queríamos que nuestros alumnos belgas de intercambio conocieran Cártama de primera mano. Es por eso que se creó un stand específico para el municipio a cargo de los alumnos de la FPB y otro dedicado a Andalucía a cargo de la FPBE. 

Aquí podéis encontrar un pequeño vídeo sobre todo el proyecto y algunas fotos. Enjoy

Fitur 2022.MOV


This month our school has welcomed 15 students and 3 teachers coming from Saint Paulus School in Belgium. We have had a very busy week full of activities for the students to meet the Spanish culture first hand. 

If you want to see some more pictures of the experience, go to the section "international exchanges" on this website.  



Estamos tremendamente orgullosos de anunciar que nuestro ha sido galardonado con el tercer premio en buenas prácticas bilingües en Andalucía.

El acto de entrega tuvo lugar el pasado 14 de diciembre en en el teatro Calderón de la Barca, en Motril (Granada). Al acto acudieron Jorge Campos (coordinador programa Bilingüe), Mercedes Fuentes, Aris Rosco y Martín Puentedura (profesores bilingües) y 5 alumnos del centro que han participado activamente en todas las actividades. 

Este premio pone en valor el trabajo que llevamos realizando en los últimos cursos y nos anima a seguir trabajando para proporcionar a nuestros alumnos experiencias enriquecedoras en las que aprender el idioma de manera lúdica. 

Promotional video by Junta de Andalucía



tiot Our first mobility within our Erasmus+ project has taken place in November and we have travelled to Campulung, in Romania. The school Dinicu Golescu has welcomed us and has given us a taste of what romanian culture is like. 

3 teachers and 5 students have participated in this exchange experience to start working on the project. Students have made presentations on the social and economic benefits of recycling and have participated in different workshops concerning recycling processes in Romania. 

Here are some pictures.

If you go to the Erasmus+ section on this site, you will find more videos that summarize the whole exchange experience in Romania. 


Our students in 2nd CSE have prepared their traditional presentations on inventions and inventors who changed the world. Our language assistant Yiancelly Gaviria has helped them improve their pronunciation and intonation for this video. 



1st meeting for a future colaboration

El GDR con nuestro centro ha iniciado un primer encuentro de alumnos finlandeses con nuestros alumnos/as para elaborar un futuro Proyecto Erasmus+ relacionado con la promoción de los recursos humanos y materiales de la zona. Esperamos que salga adelante y podamos aprender mucho de él.

january '23


Our students in 2º ESO have been working on specific vocabulary for tools. Tehy have created a bilingual catalogue in which they have represented the tools and their functions both in Spanish and English. 


february '23

women in science: inspirational quotes

To celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science our students have worked on inspirational quotes of different women who have been important in different fields.  

upcycling fashion show

Our students have been working on an upcycling clothes workshop for the Erasmus+ project. They have given a second life to different pieces of clothing that have been donated to our school and have created different designs to modernize them. The main objective of this project is to put the spotlight on the fast consuming fashion industry and raise awareness to reuse clothes. 

Presentación Proyecto creativo infantil Doodle Blanco, verde y amarillo.pdf

...and after that, they have of course modeled for us at the school :) 

thanks to our bilingual students who have presented the fashion show both in English and Spanish.


march '23


Our second mobility has taken place in march 2023. 6 students and 2 teachers have travelled to Osnabrück, in Germany, to continue working on our recycling project. 

This time, students have prepared their presentations on the collection and recycling of plastic processes. We had a busy schedule all week, including a trip to a recycling center in Osnabrück, a workshop to create an anthem for our project and other workshops to upcycle clothes and reuse different materials.

Here are some pictures but you can find more detailed videos of the whole experience in the section Erasmus+ of this website.

APRIL '23 


To celebrate Easter the way they do in English speaking countries, we have created an Easter workshop. Students have created easter eggs and other elements related to this celebration  and have learnt about this very special day around the world. 

MAY '23


This month has been devoted to our Erasmus+ project. We have welcomed our partners into our school and we have had a week full of activities related to recycling. One of the most important ones has been PLOGGING, in which we have gone to the river to collect waste while enjoying the local nature. 

To find out more about our ERASMUS+ project, go to section ERASMUS+ on this webiste.

However, you can see some pictures and a summary video below. 


Cártama and IES Valle del Azahar promotional Spots

Our Patrimonio bilingual students have created these two promotional spots. They have been created as part of a project to promote Cártama and our school to let the Erasmus+ students know a bit more about us. This is the result.

Spot Cártama.MOV
Welcome to IES Valle del Azahar.mp4

JUNE '23


-recycling makes the world go round-.pdf
Desi y Juanjo.png
Happy recicling day!!!! (1).png

Geography models

Our students in 1º ESO have built models to represent the orography of the Earth crust. They have represented both in Spanish and English. Here you have the amazing results. 

Cártama's touristic guides

As a final project for the year (situación de aprendizaje), our students in the first year of CSE have become touristic guides of their own village. They have visited and recommended 5 different places to visit in Cártama and have described why they are important. Here are some of the results. 

WhatsApp Video 2023-06-08 at 07.17.25.mp4