Bilingual Diary 2021/2022


Every October our school becomes the spookiest place that you could ever imagine. Strange creatures lurk around every corner and no one is safe. However, this year has been more colorful than ever, mixing the world of the dead and the living through a very spectacular display such as the mexican tradition of "Día de Muertos"/ Day of the Dead.


We have created a mexican altar to celebrate Día de Muertos. It was included as part of our first Integrated Unit of the year for 1º ESO.

(have a look at the Integrated Units section to find more on why and how we created it)

Our Catrinas also paid a visit to our students to tell them their story and, let's admit it, scare them a bit


Catrina's visit

Remember their name.

Have a look at how our Catrinas paid a visit to our students and got them a bit.

Apart from the mexican tradition, we also had our traditional pumpkin carving contest. Here are some of the best:

Contest winners


In addition to all of this, our students in 2º ESO have created a series of horror stories with our super teacher Mercedes.

It is called "what happened in the workshop". Through a comic, they have created a series that will spook you all. Listen to the story they tell us in English with the help of our language assistant. Have a look, our students did a great job.

Click on the following link to access all of the videos and support our students' work.



To celebrate this day and raise awareness for the elimination of violence against women, our school has designed different activities. One of them is this amazing display called: Trapos sucios. We wanted to collect those sentences woemn usually get told by people and which are unfair. Students have translated them into English and they have been written in both languages on dirty clothes, which embarrase our society.


Additionally, our teacher Tamara has created this amazing video with her students in which they raise awareness for the need of healthy relationships. Click on the link to watch it:


The 25th of November has also been the day of Thanksgiving in the USA. Evan really loves this day and has prepared a presentation on how they celebrate it at home and has taught them the background of the celebration (**see languages assistants section).

Together with this, our students in 1º ESO have designed the feathers of a huge turkey in which they have written what they are thankful for in their lives. The result has been awesome.

Thanksgiving Day


Our students in the vocational module of comercio have created this motivational video in which they design their new wall and establish the rules they have to follow in class. Great job!

Muro motivador cómo se

motivational wall of rules


We are working on the topography of our planet in our bilingual geography classes. Our students in 1º ESO are creating their projects by making models of the relief and presenting them both in Spanish and English. Aren't they cool? have a look


december: let is snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Xmas 2021

In December we have also decorated our school. Apart from the traditional christmas carols, this year we have also decorated our classes with our wishes and our new year's resolutions.

Inventors and inventions that changed the world



11TH February: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

This year we have created a series of videos to celebrate this day.

Click on the videos below and find the amazing STEAM women our students have been working on.

Carol Shaw.mp4
vera rubin.mp4
Maria agnesi.mp4
Hedy Lamarr.mp4
Margarita salas.mp4
Margarita del Val.mp4
Marie Curie.mp4
Sophie Germain.mp4
Carol Shaw.mp4
Carol Shaw.mp4
MAe jamison.mp4
Maria Blasco.mp4

Saint Valentine's Day

Our students have worked on cards they have sent to their loved ones.

March 2022

8th March: Women's International Day




Este proyecto interdisciplinar ha sido realizado entre el Departamentos de Lengua y el Departamento de Tecnología en coordinación con el responsable del Programa Bilingüe de nuestro centro, Jorge Campos. El proyecto tiene como objetivo fomentar el interés por la lectura del alumnado de 2ºESO y para ello ha sido elegido el libro titulado 3333 del autor Ricardo Gómez Gil.

En la asignatura de Lengua, con la profesora Paqui Puyol, se ha realizado la lectura de este libro con numerosas referencias tecnológicas que cuenta la historia de Mot, un niño del futuro que viaja al planeta Tierra actual donde se encuentra con Eva, una niña que le enseña las diferencias que existen entre la vida actual y la futura.

El alumnado ha resumido el libro y ha dibujado unas láminas con las escenas más relevantes de la historia. Esas láminas se han utilizado para realizar una actividad de cuentacuentos con un Kamishibai que ha sido grabado en vídeo y posteriormente editado en el aula-taller de la asignatura de Tecnología con la profesora Mercedes Fuentes. El alumnado bilingüe de la asignatura de Tecnología ha traducido el resumen del libro y ha grabado una versión en inglés de la historia de Mot en 3333 con la ayuda de nuestro auxiliar de lengua Evan Sloan.

Con este proyecto se han conseguido integrar contenidos de las asignaturas de Lengua, Tecnología e Inglés y se ha buscado que el alumnado desarrolle su competencia lingüística, su competencia plurilingüe, su oralidad, el amor por la lectura y que valore el desarrollo tecnológico en todas sus dimensiones.

Aquí tenemos la versión final en inglés :)


Connect Game

This is one of our latest projects in technology classes. They have been working on circuits. Our students have designed a connect game in which you can turn a light on by joining pairs. Each student has designed a specific game by using vocabulary in English and images. The results are amazing.


Hemos asistido a la feria provincial de bilingüismo para presentar nuestros proyectos. Ha sido una mañana muy productiva y venimos cargados de nuevas ideas para próximos cursos. Aquí os dejamos el cartel que hemos creado de nuestro centro.

feria plurilingüismo (42 × 29.7 cm).pdf

Supporting Ukraine

Our satudents have created this video, in coordination with our "ComunicA" program, to raise awareness against the war and welcome our new student from Ucraine

vídeo paz.mp4


world environment day

Para terminar el curso, como parte de nuestra unidad integrada de 2º ESO, hemos realizado una salida para limpiar las márgenes del río Guadalhorce. Ha sido un proyecto en colaboración con Recapacicla y el ayuntamiento de Cártama. Os dejamos los carteles que han creado los alumnos para celebrar el Día Internacional del Medioambiente. Si quieres ver todo el proceso de la unidad y ver más fotos del proyecto, pásate por el apartado "Clil Units", en donde podrás encontrar mucho más material relacionado con esta actividad

Cartama's touristic leaflet

One of our main goals this year was to focus on the importance of Cartama and its history and culture. Our students in 2º ESO have imagined they are travel agents who are trying to atttract tourism in Cartama. They have created these amazing touristic leaflets to persuade tourists to come to their village and enjoy a summer full of adventures.

Cartamás tourist leaglet.pdf
Escribe a mano.pdf


Vídeo receta (31 may 2022, 23_25).MOV
Vídeo receta (7 jun 2022 22_00).MOV
English video Fabián Aranda 1ESOC1.mp4