The Learning Cycle

Teaching and Learning Methods

The Learning Cycle

The Learning Cycle is based on research on how people learn, and is parallel to the 5e model in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), but better suited to outdoor education. It's not linear - each part can loop back on itself - kind of like fractal geometry. The whole program should follow the learning cycle, each lesson within the program has its own learning cycle, and each activity within the lesson does, too.

Ways we can use the Learning Cycle include always giving an Invitation (something to engage students) then as soon as possible, set them free (within limits) for Exploration; Concept Invention (this is core - journaling, modeling, discussion, sharing); Application (taking what they just learned and applying it in a new way - such as after doing an extended animal adaptation activity, do the same thing with plants, or different types of animals; another example is creating their own dichotomous key, a journaling activity, teaching each other (professor hike, "each one teach one," etc); and Reflection - be sure to leave time for reflection! Metacognition makes learning stick! This can be done via journaling activities, discussions, or even an instructor-guided quick review. But remember, our vision is to be student-centered, so if students are leading, they are learning best!


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