8th Grade Lower Owens

Teacher Information

On This Page: 8th Grade Handbook with Classroom Activities; ESWP Database to use with lessons

8th Grade Handbook

With both Field and Classroom Activities: Soil Texture Lab, and Database Labs with Water Quality, Stream Morphology, and Soil-Vegetation Management

2017 Handbook 8th - field and class.pdf

ESWP Database

(Microsoft Access file) to download and use with lessons from Handbook and Soil Lab


NOTE: If you are unable to download the file, please contact Maggie at mriley@inyocoe.org and I'll email it to you.

Classroom Kit: Environmental Detectives

In this challenging unit, built around a fictional environmental-damage scenario, students learn of the interconnectedness of the natural world and the complexity of many environmental problems. Students consider pollution from many sources, perform chemical and biological tests to finger the “culprit(s),” and track changes in predator-prey relationships. More Information...

NOTE: Lawrence Hall of Science seems to be having trouble with the website linked above - more information is available at their online store, but don't buy the book - it is included in your classroom kit as well as all the materials needed to teach the unit!

Environmental Detectives.pdf

Directions to Field Site

Rotation Schedule Options

Directions to the 8th Grade Lower Owens River Site.pdf
8th Grade Rotation Schedule 2018.pdf

Interesting Background Information

Photo of Black Rock Spring from 1909, before the aqueduct

LORP and LA Aqueduct Information

Lower Owens River Project brochures from LADWP

Introduction to the Lower Owens River Project.pdf
Lower Owens River Project Restoration Steps.pdf
Lower Owens River Project Map Page 1.pdf
Lower Owens River Project Map Page 2.pdf
LORP Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report- May 2006.pdf
Lower Owens River Project Contacts.pdf