Family Science Nights

"Exploring Extreme Environments"

On this page: 2024 Schedule of Events, Docent Sign-up Form, Summary of Activities, Volunteer Instructions, and Student Passport

For Station Instructions and Photos from past Science Nights, follow links.

Docent Information Page

Family Science Nights are held every other year in February, alternating with the Inyo County Science Fair. The events were developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science in conjunction with the Eastern Sierra Institute for Collaborative Education, and are now presented by Inyo County Office of Education. We have up to 12 booths where students and their families can come and explore learning about our local environment through fun hands-on activities. Students get a "passport" to get stamps for each station they visit. 

Event Description

Event Description: The event includes fun hands-on science activates about our eastern Sierra extreme environments. The target audience are students from grades 3-8. Students are not allowed without a parent, and younger siblings are welcome. Science Nights are open to families (on the dates listed below) from 5:30 – 7:30pm. Docents are needed to help set up and staff the tables at each Family Science Night. We will also have some volunteers (teachers, parents, and/or high school students) at each event that will help staff tables and help with set-up and clean-up.

Training: There is no training day, as each station has self-explanatory materials – you will be facilitating as kids and parents do the activities.

Stipend $85 per night

Transportation: We will provide transportation from Bishop, but will likely need additional drivers (to be reimbursed for mileage) for some nights. The times below are departure times from Bishop to allow us to get to the school in time to start set up for the event and expected return times. 

February 13: Big Pine Schools

February 13: Big Pine Schools

Big Pine Family Science Night will be held in the Big Pine High School Gym

Set up begins at 3:30: if you'd like to carpool with the Bishop crew, we'll meet at the Vons parking lot at 2:55 for a 3:00 pm departure. If you'd like to meet us in Big Pine, please park in the solar lot (the lot with the solar panels), check in at the front office and head straight to the back of the Gym where we'll be unloading the van! The set up for this event is pretty intense, but with a big group and tasty dinner to look forward to, we'll get it done! During set up, you'll read the instructions for your station and be able to ask questions before the event starts on how to facilitate.

Event starts at 5:00: Grab some dinner (provided by Big Pine Cafeteria) and facilitate your station! Have fun! Engage with kids and parents! Practice new teaching styles! 

Clean up starts at 7:00: as the event starts to wind down around 6:30, you can start packing up your station and getting some helpers to clean paintbrushes/ collect sand/etc. so that we can be completely packed up by 8:00 pm.

February 22: Bishop and Round Valley

February 22: Bishop and Round Valley

Bishop and Round Valley's Family Science Night will be held in the Bishop Elementary School Cafeteria

Set up begins at 3:30: if you'd like to carpool with the Bishop crew, we'll meet at the Vons parking lot at 3:15 for a 3:20 pm departure. If you are able to meet us at Bishop Elementary School, please park in the visitor lot (north of Grove Street). This event is popular and the parking lot is pretty small, so if you can walk, bike, run or scoot--please do! The set up for this event is pretty intense, but with a big group we'll get it done! During set up, you'll read the instructions for your station and be able to ask questions before the event starts on how to facilitate.

Event starts at 5:00: Be sure to bring a packable dinner and utensils for either before or during the event! You'll facilitate your station, engage with kids and parents and practice new teaching styles!

Clean up starts at 7:00: as the event starts to wind down around 6:30, you can start packing up your station and getting some helpers to clean paintbrushes/ collect sand/etc. so that we can be completely packed up by 8:00 pm.

February 28: Lone Pine

February 28: Lone Pine

Lone Pine's Family Science Night will be held on the Lo-Inyo Elementary Campus in the Cafeteria

Set up begins at 3:30: if you'd like to carpool with the Bishop crew, we'll meet at the Vons parking lot at 2:25 for a 2:30 pm departure. If you are able to meet us at Lo-Inyo Elementary, please park on the street closest to the Cafeteria/Multipurpose Room area. The set up for this event is pretty intense, but with a big group we'll get it done! During set up, you'll read the instructions for your station and be able to ask questions before the event starts on how to facilitate.

Event starts at 5:00: Be sure to bring a packable dinner and utensils for either before or during the event! You'll facilitate your station, engage with kids and parents and practice new teaching styles!

Clean up starts at 7:00: as the event starts to wind down around 6:30, you can start packing up your station and getting some helpers to clean paintbrushes/ collect sand/etc. so that we can be completely packed up by 8:00 pm.

February 29: Owens Valley

February 29: Owens Valley

Owen's Valley's Family Science Night is at the Owens Valley School Mulitpurpose Room.

Set up begins at 3:30: if you'd like to carpool with the Bishop crew, we'll meet at the Vons parking lot at 2:25 for a 2:30 pm departure. If you meeting us at the Owens Valley School, we'll meet at the front office to get oriented to the best place to pull the van up for unloading into the Muli Purpose room.. The set up for this event is pretty intense, but with a big group we'll get it done! During set up, you'll read the instructions for your station and be able to ask questions before the event starts on how to facilitate.

Event starts at 5:00: Be sure to bring a packable dinner and utensils for either before or during the event! You'll facilitate your station, engage with kids and parents and practice new teaching styles!

Clean up starts at 7:00: as the event starts to wind down around 6:30, you can start packing up your station and getting some helpers to clean paintbrushes/ collect sand/etc. so that we can be completely packed up by 8:00 pm.

Activity Summaries (click to download)

Animal Adaptations

Learn how animals deal with extreme conditions of the Eastern Sierra by using hands-on models to explore adaptations that help animals keep warm or stay cool.

Activity 1: Dig In! Heat lamp, ice and burrow boxes simulate behavioral adaptations to extreme environments.

Activity 2: Cool It! Copper animal heads demonstrate heat loss and retention, an adaptation for life in extreme environments.


Piece together an artifact puzzle from an ancient site to discover the rich archaeological history of the Eastern Sierras. Observe arrowhead replicas and obsidian. Learn about how archaeologists determine the age of obsidian artifacts.

Activity 1: Stratigraphy Puzzle.

Activity 2: How Old Is It?

Activity 3: Observe Obsidian

Leaf Adaptations to Desert Environments

Design an experiment using filter paper leaf models to compare the water conservation "adaptations" of each leaf design.

Activity: Design and conduct an experiment showing leaf adaptations for water conservation

Mono Lake

Conduct water tests and compare prepared Mono Lake water with freshwater. Learn about the unique features of Mono Lake and the animals and plants that live in it.

Activity 1: Does it Sink or Float? Use toy doll to measure density

Activity 2: How Salty is it? Use hydrometer to measure salinity and density

Activity 3: Is it an Acid or a Base? Test pH of water samples.

Activity 4: Food web diagram

Activity 5: (optional) Observe Brine Shrimp

Mountain Building

Use interactive models to experiment with the forces that shaped and formed the Eastern Sierra.

Activity 1: Mountain uplift models

Activity 2: Density measurement with scale

Activity 3: Convection current model

Mountain Climates

Use a cloud machine and a model of the Sierra Nevada mountains to experiment with mountain weather patterns. Explore the principles behind cloud formation adn condensation with hands-on models.

Activity 1: Mountain climate model

Activity 2: Cloud Chamber

Mountain Driving

Use radio controlled model cars and driving models to explore hazardous driving conditions and learn physics principles that apply to safer driving practices.

Activity 1: Traction on Ice

Activity 2: Steering on Ice

Activity 3: Stopping

Activity 4: On Curves

Rocks and Minerals

Observe rocks, minerals and crystals found in the Eastern Sierras. Learn about minerals that are used in the home and make scouring powder to take home!

Activity 1: Is it a Rock or Mineral? Compare rocks and minerals.

Activity 2: Take and Make It! Make and take scouring powder

Activity 3: Borax Crystals

Activity 4: Minerals in the Home Model


Explore the interactive and informative soft sculpture and discover facts about the most common shrub in the Eastern Sierra and Great Basin.

Activity 1: Sagebrush Soft Sculpture

Activity 2: Sagebrush smudge bundle and info

Activity 3: Observe other plants commonly found in the Eastern Sierras

Tree Rings

Compare Slices of Local Trees to learn about time, climate and growing conditions. Learn about the amazing Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains.

Activity 1: Tree Puzzle Challenges

Activity 2: Observe Tree Cookies

What Lives in a Stream?

Use interactive models to get a "fish's eye view" of the world and explore the science involved in fishing. 

Activity 1: How does a fish survive? Placing fish tokens on stream

Activity 2: Where do Insects Live? Observe insect characteristics

Activity 3: What Does a Fish See? Compare fishing flies to real insects

Information for Facilitators and Volunteers

Facilitator Instructions.pdf

Student Passport

FSN passport 2019.pdf