4th Grade Fish Slough

Teacher Information

Classroom Activities

Classsroom Activities - Obsidian Trail Video

Also available as one single video on the Archaeology Channel, here: https://www.archaeologychannel.org/video-guide/video-guide/video-guide-list/408-the-obsidian-trail

4th Grade GEMS Classroom Kit Information

Stories in Stone

(Get this kit from the Outdoor Education/Science Specialist at Inyo County Office of Education)

Kit Contents: This Lawrence Hall of Science Unit contains the teacher's guide and all materials needed to teach the geology lessons that will prepare students for their Fish Slough Field Trip. See cover with materials list below.

Please mark what items will need to be restocked on the kit inventory (inside lid) and return your kits when you bring students for their field trips.

Stories in Stone.pdf

NOTE: more information is available at the Lawrence Hall of Science online store, but don't buy the book - it is included in your classroom kit as well as all the materials needed to teach the unit!

Pupfish Game

Available below for download/print (included in Stories in Stone kit)

The Case of the Disappearing Pupfish - Game w Cover.pdf

Cards for Pupfish Game

4th Grade -cards for pupfish simulation-2018.pdf

Animal Photos for Pupfish Game

Animals for Pupfish Classroom Lesson.pdf

4th Grade Handbook

(Classroom activities start at page 35)

ESWP 4th Grade Fish Slough Handbook 2018-rev.pdf

Map of 4th Grade Field Trip Location

Directions to 4th Grade Fish Slough Field Trip Location

Directions to 4th grade Fish Slough 2018-highlighted.pdf

Standard Rotation Schedule

(Lone Pine and Owens Valley start later)

Rotation Schedule.pdf

Sample Letters

Download and edit as needed

Fish Slough Junior Explorer booklet - Supplemental Material

This is not our field trip, but something to give students to bring home - there is a driving tour in this booklet that they could do with their parents. We will have printed copies of these to give you at the field trip, if you are interested - let me know so I can be sure to bring enough!

(This digital copy has activities that could be printed separately and used in classroom if desired)
