General Operations


Developing responsible student behavior at ICS begins as soon as a child enters school. One of the important behaviors for being successful in school is respecting time schedules and expectations. Tardiness and extended absences may teach your child that expectations set by the school are not important. Please support your child in coming to school on a regular basis and in arriving at the expected time. Plan your holidays around the school calendar.  Assessments, performances, and celebrations are often scheduled before a holiday break. Students who leave early miss these important events.

ICS monitors persistent absences and late arrivals. Students need to get a tardy slip from the Elementary Office if they arrive to school after 8:10 AM. You will be contacted if your child is frequently late arriving at school. You will also be contacted if your child is not able to leave campus on time at 3:30 PM each day or at 4:30 PM when he/she completes his/her after school activities.

Anticipated Absence

Prolonged absence during the academic year is detrimental to your child’s progress. If a prolonged absence is unavoidable, please let the classroom teacher know at least a week ahead of time. It is not always possible to provide work for your child to complete while he/she is away, since much of the work involves class time and group work. Often reading, keeping a journal of the family’s activities and the child’s experiences as well as keeping track of daily expenses is a good application of skills during extended absences. Depending upon the age and developmental level of your child, it might be advisable to provide tutoring during your child’s absence, or enroll your child temporarily in another school..

Student Classroom Assignment Procedures

ICS is a personalized learning school and as such we have spaces routines and procedures that allow for maximum impact and student learning. All the teachers teach all the students in a flexible way that allows students to learn at high levels. However, all students in the learning hubs will have a pastoral teacher who will be the primary parent contact for the student.

School Day Arrival and Dismissal

The school campus opens and students begin to arrive at 7:30 AM. Classes begin for all students at 8:00 AM. Students arriving before 7:30 AM will be held in one area and parents will be contacted. There is no supervision before 7:30 AM.

Students in Early Years  to grade five finish at 3:20 PM. All Elementary students need to leave campus by 3:30 PM unless they are in a supervised after-school activity or are being actively supervised by parents on the playground . Students in after-school activities must be collected by 4:30 PM. After 4:30 PM the campus is closed to elementary students unless they are accompanied by a parent.

Use of the ICS Campus by Students and Parents

The International Community School of Addis Ababa is here primarily for student use. Parents are also welcome when their use of facilities (such as the tennis courts, or basketball courts) does not interfere with student activities. However, for reasons of safety and security, some restrictions are necessary.

Parents, relatives or other adults (non-employee) are not allowed in classes with students unless approved in advance by the Principals. Permission is granted for reasons such as; guest speaker, student mentor or other educational purposes. All non-employee adults spending time in classrooms must complete the child protection training and sign the related forms before interacting with students.

Former students who are interested in visiting the campus should contact the ES Office. 

For safety, we insist on elementary students being in a supervised activity and location when they are on campus. If elementary children have older siblings who are in after school activities, parents need to make arrangements for elementary students to leave campus at 3:30 PM and then return for the older student, or arrange to be present and actively supervising the student/s  on the playground while they wait . Elementary students can not wait unsupervised, anywhere on campus for the older sibling to be finished.

Early Dismissal on Wednesday Afternoon 

Every week all faculty and academic staff meet in collaborative teams and/or engage in professional development on Wednesday afternoons, from 2:00-4:30 PM. All students in elementary school have an early dismissal on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM. Students must leave campus by 2:15 PM. 

Leaving Campus during the Day

All students who need to leave the campus during the school day must report to the elementary office and obtain a gate pass from the elementary office or the nurse’s office. Be aware that gate guards will not allow students to leave during the day without a gate pass, even if they are escorted by a parent.

It is helpful if parents notify the teacher or elementary office ahead of time if a child is leaving campus during the school day.

If you are on campus during a drill or actual emergency your cooperation and participation is expected. An emergency can happen anywhere and at any time. Talking to your children not only about emergencies at school but what to do in emergency at home is very important. It better prepares our children to stay safe and reduces their anxiety.

Multicultural Environment

At ICS one of our fundamental cultural beliefs is in honoring and celebrating our diverse school community. We have families and staff from all over the world here at ICS and this creates an amazing learning opportunity for all of us. When so many different cultures, beliefs, and opinions come together, they create an environment rich for discussion, learning, and conflict. Our school culture is a reflection of the other cultures we live in, be it as wide as Ethiopia or the world or as small as our family and home. Within all these environments conflicts occur. At ICS, we embrace conflict as a means to a greater learning and communication. We know the best way to handle conflicts between students, parent-teacher, etc. is within an environment in which all participants feel safe in communicating their feelings and opinions. Being able to handle conflict in a positive, proactive, and open- minded way is a step along the journey of becoming an internationally minded learner. At ICS, if a parent, student, or teacher has a conflict with another person, we believe that honest, open, and timely communication is the best step forward.