ICS provides all stationery and technological devices for elementary school students (Early Years 3 to Grade 5). Parents will provide the items listed below. Availability is limited in Addis, so we recommend purchasing ahead of arrival.
Please label all items with your student’s name.
General Items: All Students
Book bag / backpack
Labeled water bottle
Sun hat (students are encouraged to play outside with a hat)
Rainwear (umbrella, rain jacket and rain boots for the rainy season)
Early years only: Spare set of clothes in a labeled storage bag (to keep at school)
Lunch and Snacks: All Students
Healthy snack
Home lunch (school lunch may be purchased)
Half day EY3 and EY4 students do not eat lunch at school
Physical Education: EY5-Grade 5
Athletic shoes to be worn to school on PE days
After School Activities (ASAs): EY5-Grade 5
Shin guards, if participating in soccer
Hats and sunblock recommended
A change of clothes suitable for your chosen activity (suggested)
Music Performances: EY5-Grade 5
White short sleeve button-down shirt
Black pants, dress, or skirt
Black shoes
Music Instruments: Grades 3-5
Grade 3: Ukulele
Grade 3 students learn the ukulele. It is highly suggested to have one at home for practice.
Grade 4: Two Recorders
Grade 4 students must have two recorders, one to keep in the music class and one at home. Students will collect their recorder at the end of the school year. Recorders can be purchased in the school store or brought with you.
Grade 5: Band
Grade 5 students play a band instrument. The school provides instruments; parents are responsible for any major damage.
Special Dress Days (Optional)
International Day
ICS celebrates International Day annually, and families (parents and students) who wish to participate are encouraged to bring clothing related to your country (e.g., traditional dress or country colors) to wear on International Day.
Elementary School Dress Up Days
The ICS elementary school celebrates special days during the school year. For example, students and teachers will dress up as their favorite book character, for sports day and for pajama day.
Lost and Found
We suggest that all items be labeled with washable labels (available online). Lost items or other personal items can often be found in the lost and found. The lost and found is donated to charity before each school holiday.