
There are pharmacies on every corner in Abidjan, however finding one with the right medication, open during the hours needed can sometimes be a challenge. 

Every weekend and holiday, there is a designated pharmacy to stay open 24/7 for each area of the city, In order to find yours, there will be a sign on the door of your closest pharmacy directing you to the open option at that moment.  Here are a few of the favorites in our community:

Pharmacie de la Lagune (Marcory Residentiel)

Good for hard-to-find medications.

Pharmacie Riviera M'Badon

Pharmacy next to the Chinese Embassy Casino Supermarket. 

Pharmacy St Family

Opposite Cap Nord. Open on Sundays, English Speaking Pharmacist.

Pharmacie Philadelphie

Often open 24/7 (located near Bushman Cafe)

Boaz Pharmacy

Open later hours than most, and on weekends.