Emergency Medical Information

The following resources are offered to provide general information to the ICSA and English Speaking Communities in Abidjan.  They are not intended as medical recommendations, or guarantees of medical services. 

Open 24 hours a day, this is the most recommended location for urgent and emergency care.

A private ambulance service with emergency personelle on call 24/7. This services will rush a doctor to your home for a check in-house, and can do bloodtests, prescribe medications, etc,  A good option for serious health concerns that feel difficult to transport to a Clinic. (Claims a bilingual call center, but also offers an app.)  Call 1304 to speak with someone.

Docaya Dr. WhatsApp

A direct connection to medical services through a WhatsApp program that will take you through an initial set-up, (ISCA staff send your insurance info for direct billing) and help you navigate a medical concern.  Simply send a message to: +225 0758583937 to begin setting up communications. Though the initial automated messages may be in French, requesting English will result in English replies (after a few minutes).