PRIMO20 Short course and Tidal Marsh/Beach Walk

Saturday, May 18 – Tidal Marsh and Beach Walk

Lobby of Francis-Marion hotel and then Folly Beach, 11:30am – 4:00 pm

An optional Saturday afternoon tidal marsh and beach walk will be led by Dr. Amy Ringwood. This experience will allow participants to visit the Folly Beach habitats near the Morris Island Lighthouse and the Lighthouse Inlet Heritage Preserve. We will explore swash zones, rocky jetties, mud flats, and marsh habitats (including protected bird nesting areas). Buckets and sampling gear will be provided for closer looks at some of the local organisms.

What to bring – Hat, sunscreen, general sun-protection clothing (t-shirt, rash guard shirt), water shoes or flip-flops (you can do the walk barefoot), water bottle, light snack, camera. The water will be warm enough for swimming so wear your swimsuit and bring a towel if you like.

11:30am – meet in lobby of the Francis Marion and depart for Folly Beach

12:30 to 3:00pm (approximate) – beach walk, with low tide at 2:00pm

~4:00pm – arrival back at the Francis Marion hotel / or Happy Hour at the Folly Beach Pier.

Sunday, May 19 - Short Course on "Health of Marine Organisms"

Middleton Room, Francis Marion hotel, 1:00-5:00 pm

For this PRIMO meeting, a short course on “Health of Marine Organisms” will be offered on Sunday May 19. The program will cover a variety of health issues in marine organisms that are typical for the South Carolina and western Atlantic coast, see the program below. The course has to be limited to 30 persons maximum, with student attendees having first choice. A nominal fee of $20 is charged to cover costs for this short course.

1:00 Presentation by Shane Boylan, D.V.M. (SC Aquarium) “Health issues of marine turtles”

Dr. Boylan is the resident veterinarian at the SC Aquarium, and has broad experience with health issues in all sorts of marine animals that are housed in the aquarium. He is especially involved in rehabilitation of marine turtles, and visitors to the SC Aquarium can actually observe the turtles that are treated in a large exhibition. In addition, the operating rooms where Dr. Boylan works have viewing windows which allow the visitors to directly observe medical operations when they are performed.

2:00 Presentation by Lori Schwacke, Ph.D. (National Marine Mammal Foundation) “Conservation medicine of marine mammals”.

Dr. Schwacke has long-standing experience with marine mammal research on the Atlantic coast. She is involved in dolphin research and recording diseases in stranded animals. At the NMMF she is helping to grow conservation efforts through research that is focused on understanding and improving the health of wild marine mammal populations.

3:00 Presentation by Charlie Rice (Clemson University): “Immunotoxicology of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus”

Dr. Rice is an expert on the effects of toxicants on the immune system of marine fish species, using especially the mummichog as a model species. He has studied the immunotoxic effects of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in notorious exposure examples like the Atlantic Wood site on the Elizabeth River in Virginia and the Deep Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

4:00 Presentation by Peter Moeller Ph.D. (NOAA-National Ocean Service): “Effects of harmful algal blooms on marine organisms”

Dr. Moeller is one of the leading experts in the field of harmful algal blooms and has been at the forefront of discoveries on the toxic effects of marine algal toxins. He will present an introduction on the variety of algal toxins and their effects, but will especially pay attention to effective prevention and remediation strategies.