Blwyddyn 2 / Year 2
Wythnos 11 / Week 11
Gwaith Iaith / Language Work:
Sillafu / Spelling:
Dyma rai geiriau allweddol i chi ymarfer eu sillafu yr wythnos hon: / Here are some key words to practise spelling this week:
gallu (can (He/She can)) / arall (other) / newydd (new) / brawd (brother) / chwaer (sister) / gwely (bed) / ysgol (school;ladder)
Cliciwch ar y linc isod i glywed sut i ynganu'r geiriau. / Click on the link below to hear how to pronounce these words.
Beth am ymarfer eu sillafu drwy ddefnyddio un o'r dulliau a ddangosir isod? / How about practising them by trying one of the different ways shown below?
Ysgrifennu enfys. / Rainbow writing.
Ysgrifennu pyramid. / Pyramid spelling.
Darllen / Reading:
'Croeso i'n Cragen' yw teitl ein stori ni y pythefnos yma. Dewch i atgoffa'ch hunain o'r stori trwy wrando arno isod. Neu ceisiwch ei ddarllen eich hunain yr wythnos hon.
'Croeso i'n Cragen' (Sharing a Shell) is the name of our book this fortnight. Come and remind yourselves of the story by listening below. Or try reading it yourselves this week.
Tasg / Task:
Ydych chi'n gallu darganfod mwy o eiriau Cymraeg sy'n cynnwys y llythrennau 'cr'? Beth am dynnu llun cragen fel yr un isod ac ysgrifennu'r geiriau ynddo? Cliciwch ar y linc i lawrlwytho'r ap geiriaduron neu i fynd ar wefan 'geiriadur' i'ch helpu os hoffech.
Can you find more Welsh words containing the letters 'cr'? How about drawing a picture of a shell like the one below and writing the words you find in it? Click on the link to download the 'geiriaduron' app or the 'geiriadur' website to help you if you want.
Ysgrifennu / Writing:
Tasg 1 / Task 1:
Creu rhestr. / Making a list.
Ewch ati i feddwl am wahanol bethau byddwch yn ei ddarganfod o dan y môr ac ysgrifennwch restr ohonynt. Defnyddiwch eiriadur i'ch helpu i ffeindio'r geiriau Cymraeg. Gallwch ddefnyddio'r llun isod fel cymorth. Cofiwch roi 'atalnod' ar ôl gair ac i ysgrifennu'r gair nesaf ar y llinell nesaf.
Think of different things that you might see under the sea and write a list of them. Use a dictionary to help you find the correct Welsh words. You can use the image below to help you. Remember to put a 'comma' after a word and to write the following word on the next line.
Tasg 2 / Task 2:
Gwyliwch y clip fideo nesaf ac ewch ati i ddefnyddio berfau 'odd' i ddisgrifio beth wnaeth y crancod. Beth am geisio llenwi'r bylchau yn y brawddegau sy'n ei ddilyn gyda'r ferf gywir?
Watch the next video clip and use verbs to describe what the crabs were doing. How about trying to complete the sentences that follow it with the correct verb?
Ewch ati i ysgrifennu brawddegau eich hun am yr hyn weloch chi gan ddefnyddio'r berfau canlynol:
Write your own sentences describing what you saw by using the following verbs:
Gwelodd - he/she saw,
Gwthiodd - he/she pushed,
Edrychodd - he/she looked,
Suddodd - he/she sank.
Gwaith Maths / Maths work:
Adio a thynnu syml / Basic addition and subtraction:
Adio a thynnu rhifau dau ddigid gyda / o ddau ddigid . / Add and subtract two digit numbers with / from two digit numbers.
Cofiwch i ddefnyddio adio a thynnu mewn colofnau i'ch helpu. / Remember to use adding and subtracting in columns to help you.
Adio a chario / Adding and carrying
Tynnu a benthyg / Subtraction and borrowing
1) 12 + 24 =
2) 42 + 11 =
3) 57 + 23 =
4) 80 + 19 =
5) 26 + 32 =
6) 100 + 52 =
7) 91 + 19 =
8) 33 + 61
9) 65 + 13 =
10) 77 + 42 =
1) 19 - 11 =
2) 48 - 26 =
3) 53 - 14 =
4) 82 - 32 =
5) 22 - 20 =
6) 184 - 73 =
7) 99 - 58 =
8) 34 - 17 =
9) 68 - 45 =
10) 77 - 26 =
Beth am ofyn i oedolyn, brawd neu chwaer am fwy o rifau i ymarfer gyda?
How about asking an adult or sibling for more numbers to practise with?
Siapiau / Shapes
Beth am atgoffa ein hunain o siapiau 2D a 3D? Ydych chi'n gallu esbonio sut rydyn ni'n gwybod taw dyna'r siâp? e.e. Triongl = mae 3 ongl a 3 ochr ganddo.
How about reminding ourselves of 2D and 3D shapes? Can you explain how we know that that is the shape? i.e. Triangle = it has 3 angles and 3 sides.
Tasgau / Tasks
Beth am gwblhau'r tasgau isod yn eich llyfrau gwaith? / How about completing the tasks below in your work books?
1) Enwi, esbonio a disgrifio'r siapiau. / Name, explain and describe the shapes.
2) Ydych chi'n gallu llunio creaduriaid y môr / olygfeydd o'r stori gan ddefnyddio'r siapiau 2D yma yn unig? / Can you draw sea creatures / scenes from the story using only these 2D shapes?
3) Beth am ddefnyddio siapiau 3D i greu model o greadur sy'n byw yn y môr? Mae 'jync' a phethau ail gylchu yn siapiau 3D. / How about creating a 3D model of a creature that lives in the sea? Junk and recycling items are 3D shapes.
Mathemateg cyflym / Quick maths:
Faint o'r cwestiynau isod ydych chi yn gallu cwblhau o fewn 2 funud? / How many of the questions below can you complete within 2 minutes?
Tablau / Times tables
Cofiwch i ymarfer eich tablau 2, 3, 4, 5 a 10 yn rheolaidd. Beth am chwarae'r gêm nadroedd ac ysgolion yma neu newidiwch un o'ch hoff gemau i ateb cwestiynau lluosi.
Remember to practise your 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables regularly. How about playing this game of snakes and ladders or change one of your favourite games to answer times tables questions.
Ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio eich sgiliau a'ch gwybodaeth lluosi (tablau) i gwblhau symiau rhannu? / Can you use your multiplication skills and knowledge (times tables) to complete division sums?
Defnyddiwch y strategaeth isod i'ch helpu. / Use the following strategy to help you.
e.e. 15 ÷ 5 = 3 x 5 = 15 felly / so 15 ÷ 5 = 3
18 ÷ 2 = 9 x 2 = 18 felly / so 18 ÷ 2 = 9
1) 40 ÷ 10 =
2) 25 ÷ 5 =
3) 24 ÷ 2 =
4) 18 ÷ 3 =
5) 32 ÷ 4 =
Beth am ofyn i oedolyn, brawd neu chwaer am fwy o rifau i ymarfer gyda.
How about asking an adult or sibling for more numbers to practise with.
Dehongli gwybodaeth / Interpreting information:
Ydych chi'n gallu darllen y wybodaeth ar y graffiau isod ac yna mynd ati i ateb y cwestiynau? / Can you read the information on the graphs below and then answer the questions?
Cwestiynau / Questions:
Pa un sydd â'r lleiaf? / Which one has the least?
Pa un sydd â'r mwyaf? / Which one has the most?
Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y mwyaf a'r lleiaf? / What is the difference between the most and the least?
Sawl cranc a gwylan sydd yna gyda'i gilydd? / How many crabs and seagulls are there altogether?
Sawl mwydyn y blew sydd yn y pwll? / How many bristleworms are in the rock pool?
Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y seren fôr a'r anemoni? / What is the difference between the starfish and the anemone?
Beth sy'n adio at ei gilydd i wneud 16? / What adds together to make 16?
Pa ddau beth sydd â'r un nifer? / What two things have the same amount?
Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y gragen a'r wylan? / What's the difference between the shells and the seagulls?
Beth sy'n adio at ei gilydd i wneud 22? / What adds together to make 22?
Ydych chi'n gallu creu pictogram neu graff bar eich hun ar 'HWB Jit5' neu ar bapur o beth welwch chi yn y llun isod? Ewch ati wedyn i feddwl am gwestiynau i ofyn i oedolyn, brawd neu chwaer, neu gofynnwch iddyn nhw feddwl am gwestiynau i chi eu hateb.
Can you make a pictogram or a bar graph of your own on 'HWB Jit5' or on paper of what you can see in the picture below? Then think of questions to ask an adult or sibling, or ask them to think of questions for you to answer.
Mesur / Measuring:
Yr wythnos hon, rydyn ni'n mynd i weithio ar ein dealltwriaeth o 'fesur'. Rydyn ni'n gallu defnyddio llawer o offer gwahanol wrth fesur, yn dibynnu ar beth yn union rydym yn mesur.
This week, we are going to look at 'measuring'. We can use different equipment when measuring, depending on what it is we are measuring.
Dyma enghraifft o'r offer: / Here's an example of different equipment:
Ydych chi'n gallu meddwl am fwy? Ysgrifennwch nhw yn eich llyfrau. / Can you think of any more? Write them in your book.
Tasg / Task
Ydych chi'n gallu cyfateb yr offer gyda'r uned mesur gywir? / Can you match the apparatus with the correct unit of measurement?
ml = millilitre
L = litre
M = meter
°c / °f = degrees Celsius / Fahrenheit
CM = centimetres
MM = millimetres
munud = minute
awr = hour
g = grams
KG = kilograms
Tasg / Task:
Pa offer mesur bydd angen i fesur y canlynol? / What equipment will be needed to measure the following?
1) Hyd pensil? / Length of a pencil?
2) Faint o'r gloch yw hi? / What time is it?
3) Tymheredd mewn gwlad arall? / The temperature in another country?
4) Cynhwysion ar gyfer coginio? / Ingredients for cooking?
5) Faint o ddŵr mae cwpan yn gallu dal? / How much water a cup can hold?
6) Hyd adeilad? / Length of a building?
7) Faint o amser sydd tan amser cinio? / How long is it until dinner time?
8) Pa mor drwm yw sach o datws? / How heavy is a sack of potatoes?
9) Os ydych chi'n sal? / If you are ill?
10) Tanlinellu gwaith mewn llyfr gwaith? / Underlining work in a work book?
Gwaith TGCh / ICT work:
Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni eisiau i chi fynd ar Seesaw i recordio dros lun. Ceisiwch ddisgrifio beth sydd yn y llun a thynnu lluniau eich hun o greaduriaid y môr. Beth am labelu'r llun hefyd? Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau isod i gael mynediad i'ch tudalen ddosbarth ar Seesaw ac i weld sut i gwblhau'r dasg.
This week we would like for you to go on the Seesaw app to record over a picture. Try and describe what is in the picture and draw your own pictures of sea creatures. How about labeling the picture too. Follow the instructions below to access your Seesaw class page and how to complete the task.
Sut i gael mynediad at dudalen Seesaw dosbarth Kyffin Williams.
How to gain access to Kyffin Williams' class Seesaw page.
Sut i gael mynediad at dudalen Seesaw dosbarth Mari Jones.
How to gain access to Mari Jones' class Seesaw page.
Gwaith Thema / Topic work:
Dyma weithgareddau ychwanegol yn ymwneud â'n thema. / Here are some additional activities relating to our topic.
Edrychwch ar y pŵer bwynt isod a gwyliwch y fideo. Dangoswch daith sbwriel o'r tir i'r môr trwy dynnu lluniau.
Look at the power point below and watch the video. Show the journey of pollution from land to sea by drawing pictures.
Gwyddoniaeth / Science:
Rydym i gyd yn gwybod pa mor bwysig y mae i olchi ein dwylo yn gywir, ond ydych chi erioed wedi gweld pa mor bwysig yw e? Mae’r arbrawf yma yn mynd i ddangos yr effeithiau o olchi dwylo yn gywir. Cofiwch dynnu lluniau!
We all know how important washing our hands correctly is, but have you ever seen how important it is? This experiment will show you the effects of washing your hands correctly. Remember to take pictures!
Cerddoriaeth / Music :
Gwyliwch y clip fideo hwn o'r anifeiliaid gwahanol a'u symudiadau. Canwch gyda'r gerddoriaeth ac yna teithiwch o gwmpas yr ystafell yn dynwared yr anifeiliaid tra'n canu. Meddyliwch yn ofalus sut maen nhw'n symud.
Watch this clip about animals and their movement. Sing along to the song and move around the room like that animal whilst singing. Think carefully how they would move.
Cyfieithiad / Translation:
Pe cawn i fod yn... (If I could be...)
...cangarw yn neidio (a jumping kangaroo)
...brithill chwim yn nofio (a fast trout swimming)
...robin goch yn hedfan (a flying red robin)
...neidr werdd yn llithro (a slithering green snake)
...teigr gwyllt yn rhuthro (a wild tiger rushing)
...nol a mlaen (back and forth)
Tasg 1: Meddyliwch am anifeiliaid eraill i ychwanegu at y gân . Copiwch y tabl isod yn eich llyfrau gan ddilyn y strwythr. Beth am feddwl am yr anifeiliad ar lan y môr i gyd fynd gyda gwaith yr wythnos hon? Ewch ati i ganu eich brawddegau newydd gyda'r fideo.
Task 1 : Think of new animals to add to the song. Copy the table below in your books and follow the example. What about thinking about seaside creatures? Have a go singing these with the video.
Tasg 2 : Mae deinameg (cryf a thawel) a chyflymder(cyflym ac araf) yn ddau elfen cerddorol allan o'r 8. Edrychwch ar eich grid a defnyddiwch y cod marcio isod i ddangos sut fyddech yn defnyddio'r elfennau cerddorol hyn er mwyn dangos disgrifiad o'r anifeiliaid hyn mewn termau cerddorol.
Task 2: Dynamics (loud and quiet) and speed (fast and slow) are two out of 8 musical elements. Look at your grid again and use the marking code below to show how you would describe these animals in musical terms using these two elements.
Enghraifft / Example :
Celf / Art:
Darlun ar gardfwrdd.
Yr wythnos hon hoffwn i chi droi eich llaw at focsys cardfwrdd, gan geisio creu llun diddorol. Ymchwiliwch fewn i wahanol focsys sydd gyda chi yn y tŷ. Defnyddiwch wahanol ffurf i liwio’r bocsys i greu darlun o'ch dewis chi. Torrwch ddarnau allan a’u gludo yn ôl ar ran arall. Defnyddiwch bensiliau neu baent neu unrhyw ffurf arall. Pa ffurf yw’r mwyaf effeithiol? Pob lwc a chofiwch rannu eich gwaith gyda’ch athro/wes neu ar twitter. @ygcwmbran
Art on cardboard.
This week I would like you to turn to cardboard boxes and try to create an interesting picture. Investigate different boxes you have in the house. Use different colours to colour the boxes to create a picture of your choice. Cut pieces out and glue them back on in a different location. You can use paint or pencils or any other way you can think of. Which method of colouring worked best? Good luck and please share your work with your teacher or on twitter. @ygcwmbran
Enghreifftiau isod - Examples below
Dewch i drafod / Come and chat:
Mae yna gyfle arall yr wythnos hon i rannu gyda'ch ffrindiau newyddion neu stori am eich amser yn y tŷ. Cofiwch i wasgu'r botwm gwyrdd i recordio fideo bach i ni wylio.
Os hoffech chi weld yr holl fideos rydych chi wedi eu gwneud dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, defnyddiwch eich manylion mewngofnodi Hwb i gael mynediad at y wefa
There is another opportunity this week to share news or a story about your time at home with your friends. Remember to click on the green button to record a little video for us to watch.
If you would like to see all the videos you have made over the last few weeks, use your Hwb details to gain access to the website
Côd Dosbarth Miss Hughes = kyffinwilliams
Côd Dosbarth Miss Emery = marijones
Dewch i wylio / Come and watch:
Gwyliwch y rhaglen isod ac yna ewch ati i ateb y cwestiynau sy'n ei ddilyn.
Watch the programme below and answer the questions that follow.
1) Pryd mae'r diwrnod mawr i fod? / When is the big day supposed to be?
2) Ble mae Mam-gu a Jini yn mynd? / Where are Mam-gu and Jini going?
3) Beth mae Jini eisiau yn y caffi? / What does Jini want in the cafe?
4) Beth yw enw'r nyrs? / What's the name of the nurse?
5) Beth mae Jac yn ei wneud pan mae'r ffôn yn canu? / What is Jac doing when the phone rings?
6) Beth anghofiodd Jac? / What did Jac forget?
7) Beth yw enw'r doctor? / What's the name of the doctor?
8) Ydy'r babi yn ferch neu yn fachgen? / Is the baby a boy or a girl?
9) Beth yw enwau'r babis? / What are the babies names?
Amser stori / Storytime
Dewch i wrando ar Mrs Sennitt yn darllen y stori 'Dewch i ganol y jyngl!'
Come and listen to Mrs Sennitt reading the story 'Dewch i ganol y jyngl!'